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  1. S

    just snapd off crown....

    holy fucken shit i should be in the special olympics...anyways i was just adjusting the lesbians and i noticed that the string i used to train one of them was to tight-sooooooooo my dumass goes to make the slipnot i used a little looser and I HEAR A SNAP.... looked down and there was the...
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    Blue berry help (pics)

    all i can think of is...shity strain? -stone on
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    newbie light question

    hey if u need sumtin cheep defenitely go with the tubes...for about 25$ you shoudl be able to get 2 40 wat 4ft tubes and the fixture u put them in....they dont heat up so u can keep them close to the plants. -stone on
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    Stages on a mj plant

    N.itrogen is necessary for healthy leaf growth P.hosphates for healthy roots and stems K. potash for producing flowers. At the vegetative stage, a fertilizer high in nitrogen is required. When the plants start flowering, change to a formula higher in phosphate and potash.
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    Too Much Or Too Little Nutrients??

    Garden Knowm hey watsup... im new to this website and ive been lookin around readin posts n stuff...u seem like u know alot all i really know is you get some seeds....soil....light and water. im growing for personal use and i really dont wana waste 4 months on schwag u know what i mean? if...
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    about 3 weeks into first grow

    update... about 2 of the 5 plants are starting to yellow at the bottom leaves and are probably going to wilt to nothing.....on the first set of 3 leaves theres some yelow this a ph problem or nutrients? besides that there looking goood. in about 2 weeks ima switch from...
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    about 3 weeks into first grow

    i would but i only have 1 light and i dont think its strong enough to be hung above 5 buckets and still reach the plants
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    about 3 weeks into first grow

    wadup spooks thanks for the info....there not on 12/12 yet ima go 18/6 let em get bigger for about 2 weeks then ill 12/12 them. ya i still gota sex them. hopefully after the first week of 18/6 i can tell. workin on pics.
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    first grow..what now

    so i started with about 15 seeds. i made a pocket with some paper towels and sprayed it with a squirt bottle. put on a plate and cover with a dark cup so no light gets through. after a couple days i put all of them in miracle grow soil. forgot about them the first day after i put them in...
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    Getting ready for my first grow

    is it bad to have siting water in a bucket with your plants? theres holes in the bottom of my cups so water can be absorbed from the bottom and top of the soil. if this is bad please let me no so i can switch it ASAP
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    about 3 weeks into first grow

    so i started with about 15 seeds. i made a pocket with some paper towels and sprayed it with a squirt bottle. put on a plate and cover with a dark cup so no light gets through. after a couple days i put all of them in miracle grow soil. forgot about them the first day after i put them in soil...
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    Trick systems

    ima bored experimenter and i wana make some cool ass growing systems....any ideas would help. im prety much broke so dont think to high maintnence. -stone on