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  1. Master Kush

    Pharamcy websites?

    Well, I'm a bit of a pill popper, I also make a large profit selling them. I need more money and I came across this website. They seem legit, but I don't know. It says no prescription required, but I feel that it's just a set up. Does anyone have any good...
  2. Master Kush

    B+ Mushroom Strain

    Thanks for the input!
  3. Master Kush

    B+ Mushroom Strain

    Ok thanks, which strain would you suggest to start out with?
  4. Master Kush

    B+ Mushroom Strain

    How about both. I've heard that is legit. So I might buy the syringe there.
  5. Master Kush

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    Warrants take hard physical evidence none of this subjective bullshit.
  6. Master Kush

    Entrepreneurial Spirit

    As we all know you want money, you want lots of money, I understand. Now, take for instance Cocaine. It has a 1000% mark up rate. It takes pennies to make, and sells for an enormous profit. You'd probably drown in the money you'd be making. Now where I live it's about 10K-16K a kilo (1000grams)...
  7. Master Kush


    Does extortion and racketeering count as a business?
  8. Master Kush

    When Will USA Fall?

    I'd give the U.S government another 5-10years. Such a pity I have to live here.
  9. Master Kush

    Money Laundering

    I'd suggest an offshore bank account in another person's name like John Smith or Jane Doe.
  10. Master Kush

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    Yeah... I've done methamphetamine myself, trust me don't do it. It might be all fun at first, until you realize you're broke and walking around in the city and you have no idea where you are...
  11. Master Kush

    Please Reccomend Mushroom Strains

    I'm just new to the mushroom growing business so I'll stick with the easy strain myself, B+ it's an easy to grow strain doesn't seem to difficult, but variety wouldn't do any harm, I do like PES Hawaiian. My hook up sold me a few grams it was a damn good trip.
  12. Master Kush

    Auto Flowering Strains

    I would like to know everyone's opinions on these plants. If you like them please tell me what you're favorite strain is. If not, I'd like to know you favorite feminized strain of Cannabis. I plan on growing an Auto Flowering Dwarf soon so I'd like to know which strain is the best to grow, I...
  13. Master Kush

    Psilocybe Cubensis

    I want to know your all time favorite strain. How was the high? How long it lasted? Would you refer it to other people?
  14. Master Kush


    Oh man! I LOVE ADDERALL! The high is amazing, the most I've done is 220mg all at once it was incredible! If you don't mind some minor stomach discomfort it's great! You're bursting with energy and you have just a huge wave of euphoria fall over you. The come down isn't too bad, I've been up for...
  15. Master Kush

    B+ Mushroom Strain

    Ok then, what site would you suggest to buy the Mycelium Jars from? seems like a good place.
  16. Master Kush

    B+ Mushroom Strain

    I might use the Pf Tek method, but these grow bags look interesting. Any insight I could use on either one?
  17. Master Kush

    Shrooms, amazing. But need some pointers.

    Don't make a tea, the water will dilute the psychoactive properties.
  18. Master Kush

    B+ Mushroom Strain

    Thanks for the input, I just want these for personal use, so quantity is not my biggest agenda. If they don't fruit so well I'll try another strain.
  19. Master Kush

    Molly. Anyone done it?

    Sure pure MDMA is great and all I've done it myself. I just felt like I usually did on Amphetamines. I've got a high tolerance to it though so I have to pop at least 3 tabs to get a good experience.
  20. Master Kush

    B+ Mushroom Strain

    Hello everyone, I will soon be growing this strain in two weeks. I would like advice, experience, or general knowledge that could aide me in a successful crop. Thank you all have a wonderful day.:mrgreen: