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  1. pugsNweed

    ARGGHH! I think it's a male. Can someone confirm?

    I've sat here and thought long and hard about that. But, I have zero stash right now. I just don't know if I want to take that chance... I've never done it before, and if I screw it up, I'll have yet another lifetime to wait for a new bunch.
  2. pugsNweed

    ARGGHH! I think it's a male. Can someone confirm?

    Thanks. What a bummer. Just hope he didn't spread his evil on the 2 girls already. DAMN. I paid for FEM's too. Thanks for the quick response. he's been removed :neutral:
  3. pugsNweed

    ARGGHH! I think it's a male. Can someone confirm?

    :cry: This is the first time i've encountered this. I've researched (google lol) males for the past hour and a half. I read that sometimes sexing varies from strains. So here.. just break it to me. It's a male, isn't it?
  4. pugsNweed

    ISC Chicago IL USPS??

    OH NOOO!!!! So so very sorry to hear that. I've always used t-shirt orders. Better luck next time!
  5. pugsNweed

    ISC Chicago IL USPS??

    Mine took about that long.. I believe it was 10 days before it ever began to move. I was losing hope as well. I don't think they're good at updating the tracking. Once it showed on the computer that it was moving, it arrived the NEXT day. Give it a little more time. Just keep checking the...
  6. pugsNweed

    ISC Chicago IL USPS??

    Yeah sweatin' bullets over here. In the past never had any probs. Arrived quick. This delay sucks.
  7. pugsNweed

    ISC Chicago IL USPS??

    receive anything??? In the same boat. Sitting in ISC Chicago for 5 days now.
  8. pugsNweed

    Lost in this Abyss

    hmmm.. excellent point growone. Thanks.. i needed that. I need to just take that plunge.
  9. pugsNweed

    Lost in this Abyss

    i know. Which is why im being SO paranoid lol
  10. pugsNweed

    Lost in this Abyss

    Thanks InThEwOoDs Im very nervous about this. I've been dragging my feet for a couple of months here. just trying to decide on a site. Narrowed it down to 3 and they ALL ship USPS. what to do.. what to do.
  11. pugsNweed

    Lost in this Abyss

    Why is everyone wanting to ship USPS?!?! ugh. Maybe im just overly paranoid but.. seriously? FedEx is international isn't it? lol
  12. pugsNweed

    Lost in this Abyss

    thanks a TON!!! I've never picked a flavor I've always just used what was on hand. Kinda excited!! lots of shopping to do! Again, thanks for the response. It's much appreciated!
  13. pugsNweed

    Lost in this Abyss

    ahh crap. I posted THEN read the rules on HOW TO POST.. sorry!
  14. pugsNweed

    Lost in this Abyss

    Ok.. up till now, i've been using seeds i've collected over the years. I'm no professional grower by any means. I plant, water, and wait. Thats about ALL i know! hahaaa Well, i've run out of seeds. I've trolled around here getting info on planting.. It was a GREAT success. I'm going through...
  15. pugsNweed

    Webs? Is this Garbage?

    Thanks for the replies. I guess i'll just light it up and see what This was an indoor grow. I never knew that with the ladybugs!!! hahahaa i cant wait to tell my husband that.. he used to go nuts picking ladybugs off every morning! lol Anyhow.. thanks again guys.. i'll let you...
  16. pugsNweed

    Webs? Is this Garbage?

    Im not even sure where to start with this. I dont have any pictures because the plant has already been torn down. I've just completed my second grow. About 2 weeks ago, I tore down 2 of the plants, and hung them to dry. One of the plants, had this INSANE bud on it! It was 13 inches long...
  17. pugsNweed

    KIEF... a Silent Diary... by GypsyBush

    damnnn.. i think i just shed a tear of joy for you!! :)
  18. pugsNweed

    Hey whats up?

    Hey whats up?