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  1. darklawliet

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'd say you will also find conflicting results on this thread to :P at least only banks that have meet Aussie growers needs will be mentioned at all thou so just bare that in mind n.n IMO herbies are pretty good internationally.
  2. darklawliet

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Any Ruderalis strains going around the nsw/act region? PM prefferable, would be nice to find good indica/ruderalis bagseed
  3. darklawliet

    Spin/Mix. Mixing weed

    IMO I think a good way to approach spinning your green, do or dont. Is to view it as an optional adjustment o.o Do you preffer smoking green? Experiment just with more or less spin? Use a scissor chop method a visually judge. Maybe chop in a little just to aid burning but keep it greener to...
  4. darklawliet

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Actually, if you, or anyone else. Can give a brief rundown on FLIR, i still have a few hours before i can watch the vid and do plan to. But communicated information i find is just a nice thing :) its what makes us a community n.n
  5. darklawliet

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sounds good! workin atm but il check that out when i fin. AH youre right to, i overlooked that. My supporting argument is simply. 1 fluorescent light that covers both veging and flowerpowering. Thats the whole argument behind why i used the term "best" for a budget grow. In...
  6. darklawliet

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I never said theyre the best or the most effective -.- I dont even know where you could have gotten that from. Maybe a cone will fix you up :) Nah haha i think i see it. I said "incredibly effective" and for various reasons of you dont mind taking the time to read, i did find that post i...
  7. darklawliet

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Cant be fucked tp find OP lec with the fully detailed summary. But i can assure that its on riu.
  8. darklawliet

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Aaw man those flowers :) Those girls look amazing in such a "nice" sense! I think il have to use coco for my vegebase :) also does anyone know where in australia (prefferably a shop local to the ACT) where i can purchase PURple fluorescent lighting? for the curious or uneducated. The...
  9. darklawliet

    Helloooooooo anybody ever tried KC Brains KC45 Autoflowering Feminised Seeds

    Its safe to say KC brains - KC45AF Is only worth growing outside. It CAN grow indoors but imo there are hundreds of strains with increbible indoor properties :) Kc45 is an amazing outdoor plant only it seems. Obviously just genetics and nothing more :)
  10. darklawliet

    Couchlockers check out fringe!

    **Update** been watchin through S2 over a few g's and its remained brilliant! just had a "fangasm" moment, smoking some fine, all i can say is "slow release" bud :-P **Update** just had a mind blowing and i quote "highly advanced technology can be compared to that of magic". walter quotes that...
  11. darklawliet

    Helloooooooo anybody ever tried KC Brains KC45 Autoflowering Feminised Seeds

    Hey i plan to guerilla grow kc45 counting on the auto more than anything since im hopeless when ot comes to seasons amd time amd stuff. Just want to grow amd harvest regardless of time. This is a ruderelis/sativa strain so can anyone confirm the sativa genetics are atleast pushing the kc45 past...
  12. darklawliet

    Beau's Ultimate Guide to Guerilla Growing

    Could have been a great tut. :/
  13. darklawliet

    help please

    The suns coming up round 5-6am and setting around 7-8pm And the strain im growing is an autoflower if that helps.
  14. darklawliet

    help please

    After much reading and deciding, i decided for my first grow im just gonna grow some plants out in the back, maintain them properly but trim amd maintain size and basically wait it out untill i notice its started to flower the just count down the weeks untill it seema ready. Is this viable or...
  15. darklawliet

    Couchlockers check out fringe!

    Can you recommend it that highly?
  16. darklawliet

    Couchlockers check out fringe!

    **Update** cone 4 you could watch this 100% clean, no drugs. And love every moment! Tried and tested!
  17. darklawliet

    Couchlockers check out fringe!

    *update* cone 4 time. Firmly believe one could take acid and just sit and watch this... and it would not be a waste. Bareing this is all firmly imo :)
  18. darklawliet

    Couchlockers check out fringe!

    **Update** Just smashed 2 packed cones, may be a pyrex but imo i would never change it! Dont even try argue that with me. But the cone piece is upgaded mates! packing it fully will give ya bout 3-5 packed cones worth of ya standard pyrex cones :D Bout to smash 3 press play and go on a ride!
  19. darklawliet

    Couchlockers check out fringe!

    I just finished season 1 of the sci-fi modern "X-Filesy" themed show Fringe. Fuck writing a big review, im just gonna lay down why i think you couchlockers should watch it, cause i wanna watch season 2 now xD 1) if youre a mad stoner, love trippy shit and mad gorey creative deaths and...
  20. darklawliet

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Those are some beautiful girls you have there man! And the description of that hash with the picture made my mouth water!! What grow system are you using, it all seems so cramped yet so good! also any canberra growers out there? id love to have a coffee or cone something sometime and actually...