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  1. S

    exotic plants

    orchids, some are low light but others can take full sun/bright conditions.Cattleyas and dendrobiums. ive seen orchid grow rooms that put pot grows to shame. 1200 plus watts!! Im growing 25 now most are bright light loving. The kind youll most likely find locally are phalenopsis, they are...
  2. S

    What do you guys use to measure nutrients?

    ''aint no needles here kid, just a big fucking gun"
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    Round 2 (round 1 failed)

    you need holes in the cup if there aren't any.
  4. S


    im formally from cent illinois. lots of trains where im from. Now relocated to big sky country. Havent missed it a bit.
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    nitrogen def

    if about 95% of the leave are yellow, Can i still bring the plant back? They are about 5 weeks into flower?
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    tops are falling

    im bumping cuase i am desperate. The problem is spreading. This time on a bubble squeak clone. same every thing else. The only sign of any problem before the stems go limp is purple stems. Ill get good pics tonight just waiting on a camera. Please help before i lose more girls!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. S

    tops are falling

    but theres no bud yet, barely any weight on the tops, why did they fall?
  8. S

    tops are falling

    Traveling thai from nirvana, clone three weeks into flower 400 hps. roots organic soiless medium high p guano fan blowing on plants but no fresh air water 3-4 days, 3 since last watered 60-80 degrees tops just fell over. soft spoungey stems gave out buds are pointed at the floor now. had some...