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  1. O

    How Much To Sell For?

    wow thats amazing x
  2. O

    what should i put in my tent

    no you will lol it the best room i wish i had
  3. O

    How Much To Sell For?

    its well cheap there fair play i want it
  4. O

    what should i put in my tent

    but you do want a wide span reflector if poss then that will make me creme in my pants lol
  5. O

    what should i put in my tent

    yeah man that be amazing for a 600 wattaaa lol good luck get growing mate
  6. O

    How Much To Sell For?

    get scales and sell 1.7 gramms for £10 then 3.5 gramms for £20 then 7 gramms for £40 and so on you do math dont you lose out init
  7. O

    Male or female??

    male defo fa`sho
  8. O

    what should i put in my tent

    it dont load up on my comp man
  9. O

    seeds wont germinate

    yeah man i agree some heat i found on radiator works well
  10. O

    Male or female??

    no its defo a male i no for sho
  11. O

    Bomb shelter grow room

    pics of room ??
  12. O

    seeds wont germinate

    cfls are good get loads more the better mate there fun too play with lol you think its easy to plant seed and let grow init
  13. O

    Male or female??

    thats what i fort but my durban was the same sorta thing but was female just saying from experience
  14. O

    what should i put in my tent

    put it up then lol
  15. O

    seeds wont germinate

    in a cup of water 12 hours then paper towel 1-2 days my purple widow done the same man lol good luck
  16. O

    Male or female??

    its defiently a male mate :cry:
  17. O

    Female Hermie turned feminized????

    so hot the plant droops for a bit etc ...
  18. O

    what should i put in my tent

    yeah do that i wanna see sizer of your room ????
  19. O

    what should i put in my tent

    it be great man put pics up good luck
  20. O

    what should i put in my tent

    yeah do that setup all plants it be amazing