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  1. Recore

    Got A Bubbler - Lower Leafs are turning yellow WHY HELP

    Okay. Due to my research, i was wrong. Nutritions is not the same as chemicals haha. My bad. Bless!
  2. Recore

    Got A Bubbler - Lower Leafs are turning yellow WHY HELP

    Man made stuff. I would prefer some natural nutritions and minerals for my plant, not man made. You killing me here man haha :wall:
  3. Recore

    Got A Bubbler - Lower Leafs are turning yellow WHY HELP

    I know i know haha :-p But im afraid of chemicals. Don't like 'em at all :-/ Sure its a nutrition, but it's still man made in one way. Wich in my opinion, is a chemical haha :-p I use natural products. My plants is about 15cm high, and 15 wide with ALOT of leaves, and i havnt used anything else...
  4. Recore

    Got A Bubbler - Lower Leafs are turning yellow WHY HELP

    Whats up! I mean, in my opinion, chemicals are bad. Sure, some are good. But me, myself and I like it 100% natural, without chemicals and such things. It's just me haha. Don't mind if other people use chemicals in their plants, but i never use it. Unless You think milk is a chemical haha :weed:
  5. Recore

    Leaf yellowed and tips curled

    Cut the yellow (brown in my opinion) And DO NOT give it so much water. Give like a half deciliter every second day. Marijuana plants likes being dehydrated for a short while. And no, i do not know why. Thats just the way it is son :-p
  6. Recore

    Got A Bubbler - Lower Leafs are turning yellow WHY HELP

    Its because you give it 2 much water, or yoyur not giving it enough water. Just take a scissor and cut ALL the yellow of. Its not that bad, so don't worry. And oh! Necer use chemicals. NEV-ER!
  7. Recore

    Help a Newb!! Male or Female?

    Im sorry, but you have growned a little boy. That sucks :-/ Kill the fucker so he won't become a mother fucker.