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  1. S

    nw company??

    anyone tried seeds from the greenhouse company? just bought my fist pack of five female for fifteen euro. called big bang ever heard of them?
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    Cotton balls?

    you,re sure its not bud mold??????? just a thought
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    fresh bud

    :joint: just bought some nice bud but its just been cut off the plant unbelievable. how can i dry these quick without destroyin it??:roll:
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    in a jam

    Need nitrogen but still very early for nutes. Emm probably your spiders causing the damage. I,d do a clean up and start again.
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    Top baby in trouble!!!!!

    :cry: SHIT GUYS, i came home from work there and found my top baby wilted to bits now wilting is when she,s all droopy like is it?:confused: so as i said i,m just home from work and they,re on a 12/12 the lights go out two hours after i come home now they hadnt had a drink in two days this one...
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    Cook Weed In A Spoon

    you put some finger hash or ordinary hash prefareably top quality stuff never used weed before but i cant see why it wouldn,t work. anyway you basically put some olive oil and whatever thc you have on a spoon, melt with a lighter slowly until bubbles mix together and mix it in a yogurt leave the...
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    i got some fish blood and bone meal today.:neutral: has anyone used this to any effect? in third day of 12/12 now :peace::weed:
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    Yellow leaves, brown tips, and cracking leaves

    shit man relax with the nutes they only need light and water now no nutes for about six to eight weeks after germ and always start with a couple a drops also get a fan goin they look pretty weak.
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    Pissed on my Plant

    lmao ur nuts
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    Cook Weed In A Spoon

    have you ever done a yogurt:mrgreen:
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    shock flowering

    :joint:o.k fuckers i just started 12/12 is it a good idea to give it 24 dark to really send the message home?:peace:lol love this onekiss-ass
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    Drug dealing and what not..

    dealin will destroy you and your family but if that doesn,t bother u go to a dealer and buy as much as you can then make a profit on it repeat this and thats the way to go plus your dealer will teach you how not to get caught. stay away from growing if you want to make money be smart and no. 1...
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    Im a newbie and want some help

    too young to be feeding it anything except water. maybe a deficiancy. get a fan on them they look very weak the stems that is. half a t spoon of epsom salt to a litre of water then just water for a few weeks plus more light much more
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    after my seeds have cracked in water do i still keep them in the dark?

    i normally keep them in a warm dark area and they seem to germinate well. i,m not too sure if its the right thing to do but i,ve never had any problems in doin this. peace
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    Transplant problems

    try a single drop of root juice its concentrated so go easy with that stuff. bio bizz
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    the trick here is to keep them warm they wont grow much if the soil is cold. any more questions send private i myself prefare that method i find it very easy to germinate from a soak and a straight planting. peace
  17. S

    Wtf?!? Is something wrong??

    its definatlet mold setting in keep a fan blowing strong on them mould will set in at night When the temprature drops humidity increases.
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    Rockwool germination?

    why mess about man. just put the seeds in a match box with sand paper and shake. drop them in a glass a water wait for them to sink once they have done that they have soaked enough wATER TO SPROUT. then plant them in a big pot and let them grow as for heat hot press will do while germinating...
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    why does this keep happening to me!!!

    sry no camera. why were they ok up till now if its the soil and i had a great grow before with this soil it seedling and potting soil and no its not miracle grow
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    why does this keep happening to me!!!

    i just transplanted all was going well until now. Three days after transplanting. The same problem i,ve had with my last two grows. :-? The leaves first started to show small yellow spots only the older ones but then they started to go a bit lighter in colour they were pretty dark green and...