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    Please help

    I agree with LED Kid. looks like to much water. get a moisture meter at home depot. 6 or 7 bucks. Tells ph moisture and light but I use it for the moisture only. I started my seedlings in Mg. Later found out its not to great for MJ plants. Don't fert. there's plenty nutes in MG soil it's time...
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    Can any one help

    hey thanks for all the advice. my temps are 81 degrees and my humidity is 60. my lights are about 30 to 36 inches above my ladies. 600 watt mh. hey there's a dog seems like you know your stuff I will try your advice Thanks
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    Can any one help

    I have 10 seedlings about 4 to 5 weeks. I am using MG soil.Just read its not good for mj plants but I've had this problem with other mj plants. I have it under a 600 watt MH about 36" high. Because I read that MG soil has time released fert. I have been just watering with RO water. PH at 6. I...
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    Complete amature...Check out my setup+need help (yellowing leaves)

    I had spider mites on my ladies. My fan leaves had tiny white dots all over. I mist them with water then looked at them in the light just to be sure it was sm. The water will hang on the webs and make it easier to see.
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    white widow yummmm

    Just started two WW myself. They just started to sprout today! Hope mines will look as good as yours.
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    Pop quiz!

    Ok first I had a dwc outside in the yard. That plant had the same curled up leaves as the dwc i have in the house. These are separate plants. I should say also that the clones were taken from this dwc outside. The only difference was dwc outside was in bloom. dwc with clone inside is in veg...
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    Pop quiz!

    @Prodigal Sun No the humidity is high... this morning it was in the 70's
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    Pop quiz!

    @Creeda145 I'm glad I could be of help. Just harvested some and got couch locked for a few hrs lol.
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    Pop quiz!

    @GHB Not sure... had a plant outdoors in DWC and had the same symtoms. I'm thinking heat stress too. Thanks
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    Pop quiz!

    I am using RO water...PPM 3
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    Pop quiz!

    Yes its the tops that are affected. What baffles me is the plant in coco is at least 6 inches lower than the DWC because of the bucket. I had a plant out in the yard that I was experimenting to see if DWC works out door. Well I had the same symptoms. Thought it was because it was outdoor or...
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    Pop quiz!

    My top leaves are curling up on the sides. can someone tell me whats going on here? These are two clones I made while the mother plant was in flower. I've had them under florescent lamps for about a month. One lady was transplanted 1 week ago in coco. The other one transplanted to DWC...