Search results

  1. Dat Dank

    irritated with edibles

    I'm curious how many milligrams of THC are in each of the edibles that you mentioned. There's no way that you wouldn't be able to feel a 400 mg edible or a 1,000 mg edible such as this one: Even if you have had a high tolerance, I don't see how ingesting anything over 400 mg of THC wouldn't put...
  2. Dat Dank

    Easiest Purest Extraction Method

    I was curious in your experience making concentrates if you or anyone for that matter knew if rosin has more or less THC then concentrates made from butane? I know rosin is a fairly newer process compared to butane extraction, and it seems like a no brainer to choose rosin over butane if the...
  3. Dat Dank

    Thc can be absorbed in bong water

    This sucks. I just got a Pax 2 vaporizer to make up for the fact that I smoke cigarettes. (I hate smoking cigarettes btw, but it calms me down when I can't blaze at work) Although not mentioned in the study, I'd imagine that the gas mask bong that I typically smoke out of, would obviously fall...
  4. Dat Dank

    What you blazing?

    I'm usually a fan of indicas only on the weekends since they make me lethargic and sleepy, typically. I came across this strain called "black magic" at the dispensary that I frequent in So Cal. So far it's my favorite of 2015. It's calming effects are immediate. I've been using it with a Pax 2...
  5. Dat Dank


    Seriously. If this was legitimate study and not propaganda which it most definitely is, they should have included pharmaceutical drugs in the study as well as comparison. Drugs like Adderall, Ritalyn, and other ADHD medications have much nastier side effects than cannabis, so bad, that most...
  6. Dat Dank

    The Effects of Tripping

    If you have enough balls to venture on the deep web (period), you should know that authorities have already cracked "TOR" the browser that supposedly blocks your IP Address and makes you anonymous. I'd be careful buying anything from there. I had my computer hacked any my camera turned on by...
  7. Dat Dank

    Drive Thru Dabs: What Not To Do At Work

    For anyone interested in trying this at your job....DON'T....These dumb asses were fired the day upper management found out that this video existed. Makes for a funny video nonetheless..... Reference:
  8. Dat Dank

    Current Marijuana Strains Vs Hippie Shwag

    No offense to any hippies on this thread, but I read that marijuana of today is 3 times stronger than it was in their golden years. Despite it being stronger, it actually has less medical properties compared to weed from the past. I was wondering if there were any people out there who smoked...
  9. Dat Dank

    Washington State Opens First Government Owned Marijuana Dispensary

    To put things in proper perspective, North Bonneville is broke. The small city in Washington with about 1,010 residents, located across from the Columbia River, has been struggling for a while to make ends meat due to state budget cuts and a slow economy. Instead of waiting for their economy to...
  10. Dat Dank

    Kentucky Fried Chicken + Marijuana =Profits In Colorado

    KFC locations in Colorado are now serving marijuana and marijuana infused edibles such as Bong Time Biscuits, Smashed Potatoes, and Macaroni Munchies....I'm not making this up! Reference:
  11. Dat Dank

    Alaska Becomes the Third State To Legalize Marijuana!

    Alaska just legalized marijuana! But before you get out your best vape pen and rolling papers out in celebration, keep in mind that smoking in public, still carries a $100 fine, as does selling marijuana in the state Reference...
  12. Dat Dank

    What Causes the Munchies? Mystery Explained..

    For years, cannabis connoisseurs have wondered why marijuana has made them excessively hungry, a term known in the cannabis community, as the “munchies”. Now a group of researchers from Yale have put a scientific explanation to the phenomena. Reference...
  13. Dat Dank

    First Cannabis Cup of the Year Gears Up in Southern California

    In case you guys are going to be in the San Bernardino area February 7-8, High Times is having their first Cannabis Cup of the year at the San Bernardino Complex Center. Your favorite dispensaries, growers, and vendors will be there showcasing some of their best stuff along with musical guest...
  14. Dat Dank

    Cops Testify About the Benefits of Medical Marijuana, Despite Facing Hard Jail Time

    Police in Michigan praise the benefits of medical marijuana, despite facing time in prison for illegal possession. "It gave me life back, it was a good thing." For more info., reference:
  15. Dat Dank

    Two killed in botched grow robbery...

    Stop the green on green violence! :wall:
  16. Dat Dank

    Nancy Grace Anti Marijuana Nazi And Liar

    This woman makes me cringe with horror and disgust.
  17. Dat Dank

    The Effects of Marijuana on the Lungs May Not Be As Bad As You Thought

    New study shows that smoking a joint a day for 20 years is still not as bad as smoking tobacco, but vaping weed is still your best bet for your health. :bigjoint:bongsmilie:clap: Reference...
  18. Dat Dank

    Effects of Marijuana in Colorado After One Year

    ^^^^And troll of the year goes to...^^^^:cuss::roll: