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    CFM's & Carbon Filters

    What would be a good size filter for scrubbing the air for a 150 plants? Is a 150 carbon filter too big, should I go to a smaller size? it better to recycle the air through, or to exhaust out? If I'm recycling, do I need more air flow?:wall:
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    I am currently growing with a top feed spaghetti line hydroponic system. My plants have gotten too big and I have to move them into a bigger tray. I was wondering if I'm able to go to a flood and drain system from a top feed. Would this be too much stress on the plants, or will they adapt?
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    1,000 Watt Metal Halide bulb for flowering?

    So would it be possible to flower with a mh alone or is the hps necessary?
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    Reusing hydro nutrients

    :wall: It's my first time with hydro. I need some help. I clean my hydro system once a week and there's still alot of food in my resevoir. Would this be alright to give to my ladies in dirt or should I just discard it? Also, is this too often to be cleaning my system out? Thanks for your help.
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    growing time with sun

    Would I be able to flower my plant with 9 hours of sun through a window or should I buy a HPS?
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    What is a good nutrient level for hydro?

    What do the numbers on my pen mean? I got a reading of 1 when put into my food, and 26 with tap water. Do you know what kind of scale this is?
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    What is a good nutrient level for hydro?

    I just got a nuradip pen because I'm going from soil to hydro with my clones. What is a good nutrient level for hydro?
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    Curled & Twisted Leaves

    It is my first time growing and everything was going good up to two days ago. I noticed my leaves are starting to curl down and twist off to the right. I water every second day with fertilizer. Am I using the fertilizers too much? And how often should I be watering?