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  1. rotary hemp

    setup in apartment (help)

    hey please im looking for a lil help the more the better im looking for people that have done or that kno about growing in apartments because im trying to find wat was the setup like how many lamps and how much the electricty bill was thank you
  2. rotary hemp


    wat i mean about im done with 21 days is that the plants are 21 days old since cloned i did about 16 days of 24/0 and now im going to do the 18/6 for a week see how that goes then 12/12 ( im doing 7 black widows under a 1000bulb and 600bulb on the side ) ill see if i put some pics up
  3. rotary hemp


    i just finished my 21 days and i dont know if i do 18/6 or 12/12 i think its 18/6 can someone help and if it is 18/6 for how long untill the 12/12
  4. rotary hemp

    cycle of light (help)

    i just finished with my 21 days and i dont know wat cycle of light some people tell me 12/12 some say 18/6 so is good if some one could explain or give me a link that would help me thanks