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  1. B

    coco coir and salt buildup

    So if i were to mix soil with peat moss, coco coir would be a better choice? i kinda just want to use it for the property of giving the plants roots alot of oxygen and that its ph is mostly neutral unlike the acidity of peat. or would i just be better of using perlite to aerate my mix?
  2. B

    coco coir and salt buildup

    Ok, thank you. I was just wondering how that worked. i was like how would there be salt buildup already in it aha
  3. B

    coco coir and salt buildup

    Does salt buildup occur in coir if your just using it with an organic soil mix with no chemicals? because i know when you use chemical nutes it creates salt buildup but does this go for organic too? -Thank you
  4. B

    Best organic mix for soil

    Your kinda opening a top that probably has been discussed in so many other forums. You just need to look around and you'll find most of the answers to your questions about organic mixes.
  5. B

    Just a question about soil.

    I usually start with seeds. i have bought clones before but they always go into flowering way too early and they don't end up getting very big. and i thought the kelp meal was supposed to be broken down in the soil first or does it not matter that much for kelp? Do you also use peat in your soil...
  6. B

    Just a question about soil.

    Thank you all for your input, i find it all very useful. and my "supersoil" is just a mix i put together not necessarily as hot as ss. I think i will just mix a little into the base soil just enough so that they don't burn. I am also somewhat of a new grower. just been growing for about 5 years...
  7. B

    Best way to add Nitrogen to a Fox Farms Grow

    i would say to give it a tea of bat guano high in nitrogen like mexican bat guano and its organic so it will most likely not burn your plant. i personally have never made tea but this year i will look into it. it doesn't seem that hard.
  8. B

    Just a question about soil.

    I have read that when using super soil most people put a base layer above it with just base soil so the plant doesn't burn. So my question is, does the soil above the super soil consist of just base soil with nothing in it. like for example just a bag of regular basic organic potting soil. and...