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  1. jd1987

    seed sprouted but never took root

    i germinated a seed a few weeks back and planted it in soil. the plant sprouted and was looking good. the first two real leaves came on out but then it just stopped growing. today when i was fooling around with i realized it never took root. it just looked like the tap root had grown up into the...
  2. jd1987

    Can you grow One plant at a time?

    yea my bad - but its still the 6500K for veg and 2700k for flower right? i was thinking the blue spectrum was the soft white and vice versa
  3. jd1987

    Can you grow One plant at a time?

    someone correct me if im wrong but: with cfls im pretty sure you are supposed to use 5500-6500k bulbs as the majority of light during the veg stage and then switch it to the 2700ks during flower. the 6500s are soft white and the 2700s are daylight. so as to your question: you should be using...
  4. jd1987

    little green and black bug

    i had a little green and black beetle like bug on my plant last night-ive heard alot about spider mites and such but i dont know what they look like - and bug experts out there?
  5. jd1987

    Can you grow One plant at a time?

    yea it can be a male. unless its a feminized seed. and yes you can grow one at a time
  6. jd1987

    How long should the tap root be?

    from what ive read and experienced you need to keep the soil pretty moist and the humidity pretty high when you first plant it. i had one of my seeds die in the soil because i let the top soil dry out too much. once it starts to sprout i think you can let it dry out a little and have the roots...
  7. jd1987

    storing in freezer

    yea i like the tupaware/pyrexware idea - ive been using medicine bottles and i just dont have enough space in the bottles-i will be investing in some - thanks guys
  8. jd1987

    water for seedling

    yea thats what i figured- thanks for the help ill remember for next time
  9. jd1987

    storing in freezer

    ha thats awesome - i would love to do that but 25 years is a looong time
  10. jd1987

    water for seedling

    this is my second grow and ive forgotten how much water seedlings need-i was under the impression that you let the soil dry a little so the roots can work hard but one of my plants didnt ever take root (i just check) - do i need to the soil pretty wet in there until they start sprouting out or what?
  11. jd1987

    storing in freezer

    haha sorry bud - but thanks for the advice - 25 year old bud no shit? how did you come across that
  12. jd1987

    storing in freezer

    yea man im not worried about whether its going to get me lit. its just i want to know the best for long time storage and optimal performance. ive always just kept my buds in medicine jars and it tends to dry out and get a little harsh. its good bud and still a good smoke im just curious because...
  13. jd1987

    storing in freezer

    so say i were to put my buds in the freezer for storage and then let it thaw a little before smoking-they stay fresh and potent- not a harsh smoke or anything? i can just expect a little breakage if i handle it too roughly right out of the freeze? what about just using the refrigerator?
  14. jd1987

    light question

    what kind of light
  15. jd1987

    storing in freezer

    good deal thanks
  16. jd1987

    storing in freezer

    does anyone store there buds in a freezer here? i hear it makes it smoke longer? stays potent longer i dont know. whats the verdict
  17. jd1987


    great i appreciate the help on the rash and on the laundry situation - you guys are the best-no more worries
  18. jd1987


    man i really hope its not an every time i smoke kind of deal that would ju89st be super obnoxious
  19. jd1987


    So ive been smoking for a good long time and suddenly the past two days ive gotten hives or some kind of rash on my body about an hour after smoking-ive been smoking some higher grade bud but i just got some middy shwag stuff and that has just been making me break out? i dont know what you...
  20. jd1987


    ok thanks bud