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  1. C

    Help plz Sorry I can't tell the sex so I pulled these!

    Thankfully i don't have to worry at this point because the females just started getting pistols and I guess they are not receptive to the being pollinated until a little later in their development if that's correct. now I just have to hope the neighborsknow whatthey're doing!
  2. C

    Help plz Sorry I can't tell the sex so I pulled these!

    Okay thank you. That gives me peace of mind knowing I wasn't a complete idiot. Lol. It was hard to tell for me. Only my second grow. First one was feminized seeds so I didn't have to worry.
  3. C

    Help plz Sorry I can't tell the sex so I pulled these!

    This is the second plant couldnt post them all at once
  4. C

    Help plz Sorry I can't tell the sex so I pulled these!

    They have the little bulbs everywhere but it looks like small pieces of bud to me forming in some areas especially at the top of the plants. They flowered way before the other plants but they're all different strains. I know makes flower faster. I hope I was correct that these were males. It...
  5. C

    Is 9 oz cured a good yield for a 6 foot indica strain?

    My biggest plant was six feet and I harvested all at once. I maybe should have cut the top for harvest and let the bottom grow a couple weeks more. It's amazing how resilient the cannabis plant is. I cut off 80% off of a different plant to harvest with only the buds remaining and it's looking...
  6. C

    Are lady bugs in the curing room an issue?

    I assumed as much. But I also don't want them shitting and pissing on my buds! If that's a thing. Want to keep the product as pure as possible. Wasn't sure if that would be an issue or a possiblity.
  7. C

    Are lady bugs in the curing room an issue?

    I already took care of most of my harvest but I still have trimmed buds hanging (need a couple days). I walked into the drying room to see 30+ ladybugs swarming the buds and stems. I know they are beneficial during the growing period to combat aphids and such but is there any threat to the buds...
  8. C

    Not sure if this is a nitrogen deficiency need advice asap please

    Thank you for your reply. It seems to be a deficiency to me as well. I hit it with a little extra fertilizer but haven't noticed a difference on that plant yet. The weird thing is that plant didn't get nute burn while my others did. (I know it shows signs of nute def. tho so maybe that's why) I...
  9. C

    Not sure if this is a nitrogen deficiency need advice asap please

    I have a few lady's and all seem pretty good except for one. I use biothrive bloom for flowering nutrients It's an out door grow just in good natural garden soil. I use 50% of recommended dosage because I read reviews after I bought it saying full strength will kill the plant. I water with...
  10. C

    Please help me diagnose my plant issue

    I have a couple plants going and my oldest one os having some trouble. Here is a picture attached. What is the problem here? Should I flush the entire plant with peroxide as well to prevent any fungal issues later on? The leaf on the picture is the issue. They turn yellow brown wilt up and...
  11. C

    Looking for Advice to keep these plants alive and healthy (simple question)

    So I have a few plants that I started inside under CFL's. They are lengthy and thin from lack of optimal light. I've been waiting for better weather to move them outside. My question is that when I move them outside should I tied them to supports so they don't die from the strong wind? (I do...
  12. C

    Great Lakes Genetics seedbank

    Hey everyone, Just wanted to give a review on my seed order with GLG. I was a bit skeptical about sending the money order but everything worked out. I even asked for freebies as a first time buyer in my not and they sent me an additional 6 freebies! I bought from useful seed vendor 10 fem...
  13. C

    Useful Seeds

    Hey quick question if you get this. Is your blueberry n oranges feminized easy to grow and/or suitable for a north east USA outdoor grow? Thanks a bunch. You seem to be one of the few that have decent prices. Saw your posts on here as well and wanted to give yours a shot. Really wanted to...