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  1. Afrolicious

    How much longer should I be flowering??? PICS!!

    Thanks for all the posts! I wasn't going to chop them just yet. I was thinking 2 weeks more at the max? I'm not sure the percentage that are cloudy that the whole plant or just each nug? Some are all white while others are a mix or amber/white. Thanks again everyone!
  2. Afrolicious

    How much longer should I be flowering??? PICS!!

    Hello I'm curious how much longer I should be flowering.... Its Day 42 of flowering so now 6 weeks in. Some of the hairs are turning amber but then there are so many new milky white hairs... Also now some of the leaves are changing different colors. I don't know but I'm guessing maybe too much...
  3. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    Thank You! This is my first time growing indoors with a hps light. I've done a ton of research and seems like it is paying off. So nothing wrong that anyone can see, correct?
  4. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    Alright here is a little update.... Today is day 35 of flowering, so at 5 weeks now. I think she is looking pretty good! I really haven't had any problems with her. I've been watering every other day and haven't had any issues with leaves changing color or drooping like I've had on other...
  5. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    Wow man that looks crazy! Thanks!
  6. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    Wow nice those look beautiful! It looks like you know what you are doing.......definitely not your first rodeo! Out of curiosity about how much are you expecting to yield from each of those girls?
  7. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    Alright here is a little update on my baby girl.... She is on day 24 of flowering. So about 3 1/2 weeks into flowering now. I think they are looking good but then again this is my first time growing under an actual HPS light instead of those little CFL's. Got the electric bill yesterday and...
  8. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    Thanks! I am actually not sure about how long veg was because I got her as a late Christmas present (BEST GIFT EVER) and forgot to ask. But she has been flowering since December 28th sooo flowering is about 2 1/2 weeks
  9. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    @SiliconeBud Thanks! I was actually wrong in the first post....just measured and she is actually a little over 4 and a half feet as of right now
  10. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    ok cool thank you for the response! Glad to hear she should almost be done stretching because im running out of room haha
  11. Afrolicious

    Flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. Would LOVE ANY ADVICE updates

    Hello first grow in awhile...kind of fell into my I recently "adopted" this female and she has been flowering for 2 1/2 weeks so far. The space is about 2' X 3' and has a 400 watt hps light fairly close to her but have not had a problem with leaves burning. I have two fans on...
  12. Afrolicious

    Is it ever too late to start growing outdoors in California?

    are they going to be ok with the change of weather tho?
  13. Afrolicious

    First time growing

    Hey this is my first grow outdoors and its been a little over 3 months since i planted the seeds and now i was wondering how everything is looking and i have a couple questions. first question is i ran into a little problem about a week ago when cops came to my neighbors house and luckily for me...
  14. Afrolicious

    Is it ever too late to start growing outdoors in California?

    my bad its the middle picture that i dont know about
  15. Afrolicious

    Is it ever too late to start growing outdoors in California?

    alright here are the pics. the last picture is of the top of one plant that is over 3 feet tall but i still cant figure out if it is male or female, it has no white hairs and no pollen sacks
  16. Afrolicious

    Is it ever too late to start growing outdoors in California?

    alright. i just went to go take pics and it looks like the plants are stretching because i had to mix them with tomato plants a few days ago because cops came to the house next door to me and looked over to my yard which kinda scared me. luckily i heard them next door so i moved the plants but...
  17. Afrolicious

    Is it ever too late to start growing outdoors in California?

    alright cool, thanks. plus i was wondering if anyone could give me an idea when my plants now would be done because i started them at the end of june and they are still growing. i dont do anything but water them and they are in pots, i dont use any special nutrients or anything like that. i just...
  18. Afrolicious

    Is it ever too late to start growing outdoors in California?

    ahhhh alright thanks. does it make a difference if im in southern california and not northern california or do you still recommend waiting?
  19. Afrolicious

    Is it ever too late to start growing outdoors in California?

    Just wondering if it would be a bad time to start growing in California because of summer being over or not because the weather is always good here?