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  1. I

    i need a friend in colorado

    Weird dude! I'm moving to Missouri shortly and I've been tryin to make some friends in Colorado!
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    Synthetic seeds ? Interesting

    Like GMO for pot? Knew this would happen... No thanks mang.
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    Can I get a card if I live out of state?

    I wanted to move to Colorado but I won't for some reasons ill left unsaid. I do want to visit on occasion for little "pot vacations". Can I obtain a medical card if I live out of state? If not can I tiptoe my way into getting one by say, having a letter sent to my friends address in the...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I am back in motion, i just picked up a new tent (4x4x?(64 or 78 ).. forgot haha, and an inline fan that can push a ton of air. Charcoal filter as well... Cant wait to germ my seeds I have a bunch from Attitude just not sure if I want to use those or get some autoflowers..... I think im feeling...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Just got my 250 in the mail today its suprisingly not too hot for my closet, i have one oscilating fan on high and its only up to 80 degrees.
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    My first closet grow, any help very much appreciated! :)

    Im completely screwed this website will literally not let me browse it for a second, any other growing site or any site in general no problem. Come here and bam it freezes and runs slow on my friends mac but i cant leave here i love this site and there are so many people but i literally cant use...
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    My first closet grow, any help very much appreciated! :)

    Idk if i can use rollitup anymore it crashes my firefox repetitively and has for quite some time sorry rollitup. Heres the pictures as promised if it doesnt crash....Security token missing? time for another upload haha, i think i made the first 2 the lonely calyx and leaf pics, im keeping that...
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    My first closet grow, any help very much appreciated! :)

    Its now been over 24hours since i made the cuts, everything is perfectly healthy. Wow, this is the weed of marijuana haha. This plant is extremely resistant to any stress i even tied a few branches down when i did the cuts. In fact they are so resilient i found a calyx that i had accidentally...
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    My first closet grow, any help very much appreciated! :)

    It could be magnesium deficiency or nitrogen, im not 100% sure it happens alot but i think it could be a few things its hard to diagnose for me since i havent been growing long and havent had the personal experience. I cut the leaves because i figured im using flourescents anyway and the light...
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    Attitude Seeds A Rip Off!

    The way you repetitively rag on Attitude despite thousands having 100% successful orders shows you have more of a personal grudge with them, if they are so bad why are you not reccomending good seedbanks we need to know where to get them if we want some reliable seeds..... Anyway i think...
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    My first closet grow, any help very much appreciated! :)

    That happened to my fathers plants recently we just cut the light back another hour 11/13 and that sparked them up. It was weird we had them 12/12 for at least a month with literally not a sign just a bit more veg growth. Then we put them back to 11/13 BAM! A few days later you could see flowers...
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    Big order from attitude, got some questions about PH and Soils. (grow pics too)

    I already bought the triple pack of Fox farms nutes and im getting ocean forest both these combined have almost if not everything you listed and more. Its probably best to go fully organic but its too much work trying to find all those things seperately even if it takes a huge chunk of change to...
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    My first closet grow, any help very much appreciated! :)

    Friggin hermaphrodites, im down to four plants luckily i decided to start making some cuttings or i wouldnt have seen the balls. I cut her/him down right away there are now 4 plants the unhealthy one has been surviving it still looks a bit unhealthy though. I did alot of cutting at once, i have...
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    Problem- 27 Days into Flowering- Buds hair turning brown?

    Thanks for the help guys and reassurance i was getting scared thought it could have been damp buds or something. Im actually really happy with these plants at the moment considering my setup and the fact that they are bagseed, i have a lot of stuff on the way at the moment so my next grow should...
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    Big order from attitude, got some questions about PH and Soils. (grow pics too)

    Having plant problems that can be viewed below one of my buds pistils are turning a bit brown i have no explanation for this, do you? Temps 70-76 day around 68 night. Good air circulation and about 20-30 humidity.
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    Problem- 27 Days into Flowering- Buds hair turning brown?

    Its only 27 days flower i am beginning to see a very tiny bit of orange on some of my pistils very very few though i expect at least another 30 days to be completely flowered.... but wait whats that? One of my little popcorn buds pistils turned brown. Im thinking its gonna mold.... Someone have...
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    Big order from attitude, got some questions about PH and Soils. (grow pics too)

    Most of my plants at the moment are pretty alright, to my standards im not even worried about bud quality or anything this was more an experimental fun grow:sleep:, i should have experimented more while i had the chance but i have just been running these off pure luck. Using water from the well...
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    Big order from attitude, got some questions about PH and Soils. (grow pics too)

    I did not purchase a soil tester yet but i dont think it does, although they do have an electronic multifunction PH tester but those cost more than an entire hps kit itself, and they constantly need to be calibrated i wish it was just a bit easier haha... I also read about them needing to be...
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    Big order from attitude, got some questions about PH and Soils. (grow pics too)

    Haha yeah i did go a little crazy ordering my strains, i just figured why not spend 200 get all the free extras and then just be set for awhile 6 of the 22 beans im getting are autoflowering so i think i want get the growing aspect and harvesting and curing down perfect, get used to nute...