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  1. Tamisium77

    Help dont no what this is.

    Might u have a pic to show me.. Can u tell me why it is in only a hand full of places And manly on the sides of the plant that don't have the max amount of light as the rest of the plants. I also have the same plants in 1 gal pots that have no burn or any thing like that the little plants would...
  2. Tamisium77

    Help dont no what this is.

    I no it is not that no way I am under feeding if any thing I feed 5 gal and water with at least 25+ gal in the days be for next feeding. Thank you. Look at the way it is it is not uniform like salt build up.
  3. Tamisium77

    Help dont no what this is.

    Just fed them so we will c if it helps tiger bloom 2tes per gal 5 gal each.
  4. Tamisium77

    Help dont no what this is.

    Thanks. Has any one had this prob just sucks never saw any thing like it inside I am stumped. If any one has had leaves do this pleas help. lol pulling hair out not much to spare!!!!!!!
  5. Tamisium77

    Help dont no what this is.

    Don't no if this helps but I have the same plants in 1 gal pots feed them the same as the ones in the 25gal and the 1gal don't show any thing wrong at all.
  6. Tamisium77

    Help dont no what this is.

    Got a hand full of leaves doing this shit any idea what is going on.
  7. Tamisium77

    Outdoor Storage?

    I like jars. In the dark cool and dry place. After it is properly dried.
  8. Tamisium77

    Reefer Madness Outdoor Grow 2015

    Sounds good with what you are doing. They look supper good to. I like fox farm never liked GH at all never had any good luck with it but that is just me. No koolbloom I say.
  9. Tamisium77

    what weak of flower is this

    Little hard to see but I say week 5ish.
  10. Tamisium77

    not pooping!!!!!

    not pooping!!!!!
  11. Tamisium77

    Aside from free light, why would you grow outdoors?

    I don't have many bug prob where I live. Grasshoppers are my only prob and not to many. There was lots of green things to eat this year good and wet lots of food for them.
  12. Tamisium77

    Aside from free light, why would you grow outdoors?

    I am a long time indoor grower and this year after I saw a bud do it out side there is no comparison. Outside you can get so much more in the same amount of space and way less cash out. The risk is more but the reword is insane. Over 20+ inside. Not any more lol.
  13. Tamisium77

    How and when do you flush?

    Don't flush leave your plants alone if they look good. No need to do so all you are doing is removing food that can be used all the way till you pick. Why would you want to take away food from your plant in the most critical time of its life. Flushing is only good for when you have to much food...
  14. Tamisium77

    Out side first time ever!!!!!!

    Yes I have not moved them in months. I am so happy with the way they have turned out so far. Not long now think I am in the start of week 6 or so. Thinking I will pull down 1.5 to 2 lbs off each one. They are about 7.5 ft tall and no idea how round at least 9 ft 50+ good tops on each plant...
  15. Tamisium77

    Out side first time ever!!!!!!

    New pic update looking killer I think. Prob drop them around oct 3. Feeding hard nights are starting to get a little chill at night.
  16. Tamisium77

    How long till harvest?

    2 more weeks or so, If you are in week 6.
  17. Tamisium77


    If you r watering good in-between feedings you should never have salt billed up. And don't you want to feed all the way to the end so you have max growth.
  18. Tamisium77

    Does molasses cancel out liquid neuts in a potted soil grow?

    Just check your ph Molasses is taken in right away well nutrient has to be broken down be for the plant can use it.
  19. Tamisium77

    Out side first time ever!!!!!!

    Blue gum SLH
  20. Tamisium77

    Out side first time ever!!!!!!

    lol ya good light most all day with lil bits of shade from trees not bad. Love this it is way simpler than hydro!!!!!!!! Will get more shots today of blue gum flowers.