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  1. casey5200

    Open Sesame---Beastie Bloom...Any good?

    Thanks for the heads up! So the instructions for the (Beastie Blooomz) is as follows add 1/4 tsp. to a gal. of h20. After reading what you said, I did a bit less then 1/4tsp even with the amount, am I still at risk of buring my ganja plant? I also have (Big Bud) advanced nutes. and added about...
  2. casey5200

    Open Sesame---Beastie Bloom...Any good?

    Open Sesame, would I see a real notice if I were to start using it so late in my plants cycle? Beastie Bloomz, How big of a diff. in bud size compared to bud without using it?
  3. casey5200

    I call her my lil' creek slut! (1st time grow session)

    :fire:Well her she is, my first grow! Ive aided in many grow sessions but never had MY OWN..... Look at her, what a green lil slut she is just showing her flowers off for all to At what stage or for how long do you think its been flowering for? Reason being that good ol' mother...
  4. casey5200

    1st time grower..How goes it? (picz)

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