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  1. N

    First Guerilla Grow (good old oregon)

    Hell yea ive only heard good things about outdoor growing in oregon.
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    First Guerilla Grow (good old oregon)

    Digging a hole for a 55 gallon drum just seems like to much work i was planning on running some tube from the stream downhill into the garden with a plug on the end of it so i can just unplug to water. Yea ive been reading up on doing an outdoor grow for about a year now but i can always learn...
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    First Guerilla Grow (good old oregon)

    Well its getting that time of year and im committed to an outdoor grow this year. I have done 2 previous indoor grows (2 plants each time). This will be my first outdoor grow in the woods, I would have done this previous years but i work as a wildland firefighter during the summer months and am...
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    Seedling help.

    So its been about about a week now and my seedling are still on there first set of leaves and you can barely see the second come in. Is this normal or should there be more growth? Im using 4 26w 6500k cfls for 5 seedlings.
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    Need Help Please.

    Right now i have them under a 4 foot shop light covered by a big towell thats keeps light from leaking out. What can i do to get the humidity up?
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    Need Help Please.

    Thanks for the info. I have them at like 4 inches away right now should i raise the light up anymore than that or just leave it?
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    Need Help Please.

    I have 5 seedling i just put under light this morning and i have to leave from sunday night and wont be back till wednesday afternoon. My question is can i just overwater them and leave them under the light or should i take them with me and a couple cfls. Thanks
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    what r u listening to right now

    1970 Something Biggie Smalls
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    Taking weed on amtrak?

    For sure im taking in next weekend so hopefully everything works out.
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    Taking weed on amtrak?

    Im taking a Amtrak train from San Diego, Cali to Portland, Oregon just wondering how hard it would be to take a 1/4 ounce of some cali danks back home to oregon.
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    Help!!! Smoked today-Mouth swab tomorrow!

    Well guys thanks for all the advice but luckily they were to busy today so i just got interviewed and didnt have to do the drug test. They said they would call me back to do it in a day or two so i think im good.
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    Help!!! Smoked today-Mouth swab tomorrow!

    Shit its almost time!
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    Help!!! Smoked today-Mouth swab tomorrow!

    Damn man im stressing. I forgot to mention i only took 2 hits off a pipe and i hadnt smoked befor that in a couple days.
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    Help!!! Smoked today-Mouth swab tomorrow!

    Damn and the reason i smoked was because lowes hasnt called in like two weeks so i assumed i didnt get the job.
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    Help!!! Smoked today-Mouth swab tomorrow!

    Is there any chance i can pass? I smoked at about 5pm and i have a mouth swab tomorrow at lowes at 1 pm. Is there anything i can do to pass?
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    Question regarding my clavical bone.

    Hi i have a question regarding my right clavicle and the use of medical marijuana. I broke my collar bone a couple years back and for some reason the doctor let it heal where the bone is overlapped meaning the bone healed ontop of the other bone. Ever since it has happened i have constant pain...