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  1. S

    wtf is that

    anyway got no picture but my plant is giving off some yellow dust when i shake my pc box or plant slowly. Sorry for bad english! what is this. normal or not. Thanks in advance.!
  2. S

    Whwn flowering?

    So when i start that 12/12 light cycle thing cause my plant is almost 5 and half weeks old. Any advice. Thanks in advance.
  3. S

    How to top or fim cause my plant is different.

    any chance it may be male and female same time cause on bottom theres a ball and little white string coming out
  4. S

    How to top or fim cause my plant is different.

    So i want to top or fim but my plant is very different on top, it has much of those roundy things and i dont know what to do. Sorry about bad picture quality.
  5. S

    Funnny thing!

    what u mean whit holes in pot?
  6. S

    Funnny thing!

    So you guys think that this is flower or something else because it dont seem like there are coming leaves out. U guys think its female plant?
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    Funnny thing!

    I just have the lights on all time should i do the 12 hours on and 12 hours off thing already?
  8. S

    Funnny thing!

    What is that thing on top of my plant looks like somekinda ball. Plant only 4 weeks old. ALSO AM I DOING GREAT FOR MY FIRST PLANT?
  9. S

    Its my second week!:D

    Hey guys just posting up my plant that has growed for second week question is am i doing good? Also to add i planted some seeds 2 weeks ago but one of them came out of soil just now and its kinda thin and tiny is that ok too? THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!
  10. S

    Light distance.

    My plant is like week old and im using CFL bulbs. So ive heard people talking abou putting light 4 or more inches from the top of plant. So how far i should put.
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    Is it doing great?

    Ohh thank you!
  12. S

    Is it doing great?

    My first plant that is like week old looks like this Question is that is this plant going okay right now? It had a long stem previously but as i checked forum i covered almost half of that with soil and moved light bulb closer (CFL). Please help im new on this,
  13. S

    How far the light

    no alternatives as i got no CFL or fluorescent lamps
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    How far the light

    ohh im just beginner its my first plant
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    How far the light

    but when i put leds taken from flashlight they are white color.
  16. S

    How far the light

    ohh but for beginning they would do the job?
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    How far the light

    its not good? im using this right now is this better
  18. S

    How far the light

    Its just this roundy bulb that is used in home. Yellow lightning. There comes heat too. Sorry bad english.
  19. S

    How far the light

    How far i should put the light source for my plant, plant is about week old (maybe less) but its 5cm long with 4 leaves.