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  1. D

    Hey, I saw an old post about cutting a hole in the ceiling. You said it's pretty obvious and I...

    Hey, I saw an old post about cutting a hole in the ceiling. You said it's pretty obvious and I agree with what you told the original guy. I'm doing the same sort of job but am stuck with what sort of saw to use. I have to rent all these sorts of things and really don't know what would be...
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    Crop Died / Mold

    I had another thought. Many have mentioned that the spores may linger. You may wonder if they're still around. How can you tell if the spores are gone? I have an analogy. Last month I had a problem with mice in the kitchen. I put out some traps and caught four right away. But how long do...
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    Crop Died / Mold

    Well thanks for all of the ideas. After an H2Os wash and a night under the fan, my bud does smell a lot better and I think are worth saving in some form. While I understand how strong spores are, my belief is that we're always smoking and eating spores. You can't be free of them in any crop...
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    Crop Died / Mold

    I think it was bud rot, whatever that is. That's probably a form of mold but that was the problem. The humidity was very high in the room and there was mold growing on the walls at one point before I knocked it back.
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    Crop Died / Mold

    Thanks. I tried the hydrogen peroxide trick and the buds smell a lot better. Not perfect but better. They look a whole lot better too. Time will tell. The next option would be hash or oil or whatever. I don't think that this washes away the THC. I understand that its not water soluble...
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    Crop Died / Mold

    I think things are too far gone but I'll toss this out here. While I was gone my caretakers did something - I don't know what - and my crop died. But they didn't even notice that it had died for a week or more. I came back to a mostly dead or dying crop. The crop was about a week from harvest...
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    What's the Best Media (When You Got Burned Using Just Rockwool)

    Seems you have to clean all the dust off if it first. More work. I don't have a pressure cooker and don't feel like buying yet another gadget. Also they get crusty with salts from the nutrients. Like I said, I'm not growing in either packing peanuts or Hydroton. I decide to use rockwool but...
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    What's the Best Media (When You Got Burned Using Just Rockwool)

    I'm puzzled why the rockwool didn't work. Lets just say this crop - my first in over fifteen years - was a disaster. I used to grow a lot starting about twenty years ago and every crop turned out fine. Back then I grew using two store-bought, pre-assembled set ups. So I learned a lot about...
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    First Time Grower Seeking Tips

    The two most important things are good genetics and power, i.e., the sun or strong lighting. You might want to invest in some seeds. Trust me, that great smoke you remember didn't pass down those genes to the seeds you saved. Good genetics and power. Also, I don't think growing is a one...
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    A few pics of my first indoor grow

    Wow, weird variation. I'm new so some of the terms go past me. Real short, what do you mean by a "box?" I love the density and size you got.
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    Bought from BDS and Herbie....beginner looking for advice

    I've ordered from BDS twice, once in Dec. '12 and more recently just this month. Both times the seeds got here (US) no problem. They have good customer service by e-mail. That was my experience. I haven't ordered from any other companies. I'm curious, is there a consensus as to which...
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    how do these buds look???? part of forum (letmeknowwhatyouthink)

    You can always tell when they're getting close to being done by the fullness, the heavy weight of the bud. Amber trichomes, sure. There's always just the overall feeling that it's done, the look and feel of it. Pic 4 looks underdone from what I see. Like a lot of things, you know it when you...
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    Mid-Late Flower Pruning? Opinions Please - PICS!!

    To MidnightOak, That's an interesting idea. How many times have you done that? From a cost benefit perspective, what's the payoff? For example, if you're going back to a vegetative state and then back again into a bloom state you're talking about adding several weeks at best. How much...
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    What's the Best Media (When You Got Burned Using Just Rockwool)

    I have a lot of space so I opted for the two gallon sized buckets. But really I think I'm limited by how many clones I can crank out at any one time. Right now I have 15 clones that are ready to go, all rooted in one inch rockwool cubes. Looking back, I could have possibly produced 20 or 25...
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    What's the Best Media (When You Got Burned Using Just Rockwool)

    Thanks! What makes you say that 6 inch tall cubes are too tall? It looks like the cubes will flood up till about the last inch of them. And that looks to be ok. I've learned a lot from these posts and I think I have a solution. I'll post some pictures of it tomorrow.
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    What's the Best Media (When You Got Burned Using Just Rockwool)

    OK, I found promix at Home Depot. Wouldn't this mix tend to get all in the water and pumps in an ebb and flow system? This is a lot of what I'm looking for though. Thanks a lot.
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    What's the Best Media (When You Got Burned Using Just Rockwool)

    I already have my fertilizers and have been told that coca needs its own set of fertilizers. I spent a lot of money already on the first crop and get burned bad on it. I don't want to spent a lot more.
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    What's the Best Media (When You Got Burned Using Just Rockwool)

    Excuse me but what is promix? I've thought about perlite but won't it tend to flow out of the containers when they're flooded? The buckets I'm going to use are just the standard plastic gardening buckets with drainage holes in the bottom. I've also got some unused 6" rockwool cubes and...
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    What's the Best Media (When You Got Burned Using Just Rockwool)

    Hey All, I used to grow a long time ago using Hydroton as my growing media and always had great results. For my first crop in years I was advised to use 6" rockwool cubes. I've got a moderately large set up, two ebb and flow tables adding up to 6' x 6', under two 600 w bulbs. For this first...
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    Major Root Problems

    Did you use the commercial product H2O2 or store bought hydrogen peroxide? I've got some hydrogen peroxide from the drugstore but wasn't sure if I should dilute it. It's the standard 3% stuff. Do you just soak the roots in a bucket of it?