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  1. madbiker69

    357 Magnum Plus Led Light

    Hi, yup the lights are still working fine. I think the drivers were the weak point in the chain. As for the cover, just a black case. No markings at all. Probably run of the mill garbage. I removed the cover to see if there was any specs written on the board itself. Kinda hoped someone on here...
  2. madbiker69

    357 Magnum Plus Led Light

    Ya actually i do. Have to see if i can post it.
  3. madbiker69

    357 Magnum Plus Led Light

    Well it would be nice to go out and buy new lights but not in the budget. And i have had one harvest off these lights so far and i found the bud comparable if not better than what i pulled off using my 1000w hps unit. And a hell if alot cheaper. For that matter i have the framework to rebuild...
  4. madbiker69

    357 Magnum Plus Led Light

    Hey thanks for replying. No its the older version. Manufactured 2011.
  5. madbiker69

    357 Magnum Plus Led Light

    So i have 4 Magnum 357 Plus Led lights which i picked up for $70 a piece. They work okay except for one which has a bad driver. There are 5 drivers for each light which power 46 led's a piece. Does anyone know the specs of these drivers and possible replacement i could use? The company that made...
  6. madbiker69

    ACMPR - wait times

    Recieved my paper yesterday. So how's this for quick. Sent the renewal in may 22nd. Assumed HC recieved it may 23rd. Paperwork was dated June 5th. Then of course the lag time for the snail to deliver it to my door. Putting aside all the arguments being tossed about concerning the man knowing...
  7. madbiker69

    ACMPR - wait times

    Well if you are a registered gun owner like me for restricted weapons you would know that my address is registered with the feds and that I am prone to inspection at any time by the RCMP to ensure my weapons are secured correctly. Look really good for them to come across my grow OP at the same...
  8. madbiker69

    ACMPR - wait times

    So I sent my renewal forms into health Canada may 22nd. Figured I would call today to see where in the food chain my application was. According to the nice chicky I talked to my application was completed and mailed out last week. If true I should get it this week unless the snail wanders off...
  9. madbiker69

    ACMPR - wait times

    Holler frig that's quick. Just sent my renewal in today. What's this about dating the paperwork for when they complete the processing and not retroactive to when your doc signed the script. Thought I read something about that coming into play.
  10. madbiker69

    Get a license, or just grow 4 legal?

    I went legal just so I wouldn't have to put up with a hassle should my home be checked out for other legit reasons. And at this point I believe I have more rights under the amcpr then I would as a rec user. Governments change and freedoms come and go with them. The long gun registration deal a...
  11. madbiker69

    Does anyone here make their own feminised seeds?

    IMO. Nothing wrong with producing femenized seeds. Cuts out alot of time if you're starting from seed. Nice backup if your mother plants go for a shit or get ripped by the fuzz. Not always convenient to keep clones on hand especially if you're flying under the radar. I worked with colloidal...
  12. madbiker69

    How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

    Nothing like a fine harvest. Do you do anything for the smell? And to the dirtbag that mentioned kitty litter.WTF ...Who in their right mind would bugger up meds? Don't think I will run into a problem of having too much. I'd turn it into oil/hash my license mentions dried weight. Nothing about...
  13. madbiker69

    How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

    I remember blasting butane through PVC pipe.pretty sure I wasted alot of good weed with that process not to mention the amount of butane I went through. I've heard of the closed style systems. Do you know of any decent diy on the subject.
  14. madbiker69

    How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

    I see your point, however in my case I have a restricted weapons permit which allows the boys to inspect my digs and ensure that my stuff is secured properly. Better to a have a piece of paper that says I can than nothing. If they want to rip my harvest I'm buggered, but that paperwork also...
  15. madbiker69

    How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

    Hmm. Well I never got past the vision of "field of weed". I suppose I would have to deal with the thieving bastards. But it would serve me right for planting where all manner of scum could see it. On a brighter note.....I recieved my green paper from health Canada today. Initial paper work...
  16. madbiker69

    How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

    Field of trees ... Ha ha love it. Always envisioned a how a field of weed would look in the Holland marsh area near the 400. Next year will certainly be exciting times. Love the idea of tracking my weed with the phone. Could of used that in my early days when I had my stuff ripped.
  17. madbiker69

    How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

    Looks like more than a nail on a head. More like a huge friggin rail spike. Nice work. What's the strain?
  18. madbiker69

    Niagara College to offer Canada’s first postsecondary credential in Commercial Cannabis Production

    Hmmm, I love the whole process of setting up the grow environment to curing the bud. Been at it forever it seems in two different countries lol. Good to be back on home soil doing it though. Running a commercial greenhouse grow would be too frigging awesome. So much shit going on. I can see...