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  1. Sukid

    My first time grow

    ok start a diary if possible so we can enjoy the scrog as well
  2. Sukid

    My first time grow

    brother i could not have done that any better very nice for your first run whats next on the schedule?
  3. Sukid

    Is this a cal mag deficiency?

    hope it all works out TDOG and thanks qwizoking for chipping in on the foliar feed subject
  4. Sukid

    hi a quick question how to send private messages ??

    hi a quick question how to send private messages ??
  5. Sukid

    Is this a cal mag deficiency?

    bro dont add calmag to your water and adjust to 6.0 that will basically just lock your plant out for other nutrients what i do as my tapwater is f*cked up and always gives me calmag def i use a sprayer bottle and just adjust the water in the spraybottle to 6.2 and add calmag as calmag is best...
  6. Sukid

    new to this...

    yeah man its all personal preference i also wanne try adding a UVB lamp in the grow tent my flowering light cycle i also have 13/11 i find i get better results with that yield wise
  7. Sukid

    new to this...

    im having a scrog dwc grow going at the moment 6 plant Dr.Krippling Incredible bulk have 1 HPS 600w in the tent and 1 MH 600w some kinda dual spectrum trying to check what the outcome will be
  8. Sukid

    ***Strain suggestions for first time grower***

    i would suggest INCREDIBLE BULK very hardy strain
  9. Sukid

    new to this...

    yeah true its MH/HPS ballast
  10. Sukid

    suds in my reservoir

    this happend to me the problem was the water temp to low check that out maybe that solves your problem as well
  11. Sukid

    new to this...

    nice you do know that HPS is for flowering right it could be used for veg but not the ideal bulb for it
  12. Sukid

    purple leave stem/ dropping leaves

    ahh sorry brother maybe i didnt explain it all to well normaly tap water have calcium in it already and other stuff like my tap water is very low on calmag thats why i get the deficiency at every grow so i need to add calmag to keep it in ballance but like i have learned maybe im wrong is that...
  13. Sukid

    new to this...

    nice so how is everything coming along ?? have any pictures
  14. Sukid

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    i have had root rot in the beginning of my growings and SM-90 is a miracle it helps alot its not good when u have bennies in your system as it kills everything
  15. Sukid

    purple leave stem/ dropping leaves

    hey to me that looks like what happend to me it was cal/mag deficiency exactly same droopy and red leaves/stem foliar feeding helps fastest because the plants only uptake of cal/mag is at PH 6.2.-6.5 range goodluck buddy
  16. Sukid

    new to this...

    well im gone give my personal advise i never did coco or soil so i dont know anything about that i have grown hydro from my first grow till today what i do i germ the seeds first than i use jiffypellets put the seeds in and put 2 inch of hydroton pebbels in the netpot and put the jiffyplug with...
  17. Sukid

    new to this...

    sounds alot like me 2-3 years ago well the tube like mike said is for waterlevel and draining the bucket the water level should be about 1 inch below the netbucket
  18. Sukid

    first time grower

    well that should get a quick fix if it concerns you just put a piece of Duct tape over the light light leaks could get the plant to go hermie but if you dont see any balls on the plant it should go just fine post a few pics so there is a better way to judge how your plants are doing
  19. Sukid

    first time grower

    just have a few more weeks to go no worries its all normal
  20. Sukid

    My first time grow

    looking good there sparky is this your very ever first grow ???