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  1. THC4ife

    Honestly how does she look ?? Any advice ??

    ^ would say the same thing as RC, if it is showing signs of flowering already it is probably an autoflower
  2. THC4ife

    Transfer sprouting seed from rockwool to soil.

    yeah, just put the whole cube in the new pot once your plants are ready.
  3. THC4ife

    This is why I prefer coco coir for growing

    All I have been doing is soil from the start but I am going to have to check this out for next time. :idea: How does it compare price wise to FF ocean forest?
  4. THC4ife

    Transfer sprouting seed from rockwool to soil.

    I've only done it with a few plants and that was a grow or two ago but the plants seemed to take the transplant fine. I was using FF ocean forest at the time and the girls seemed to love it.
  5. THC4ife

    How much longer? pics

    yeah they have gotten kinda bad while we thought we had an okay handle on them :/ we chopped one of them down last night and the other two are probably coming down within a few days
  6. THC4ife

    How much longer? pics

    for some reason he keeps saying that when the pistils on the very top of the buds are half way turned, that they are prime and ready to harvest. he has grown for a long time and i cant really tell him no... its really shitty but we got spider mites too and that is partially the reason he wants...
  7. THC4ife

    How much longer? pics

    well apparently my partner says that in 1-2 days they will be "peak"................ and there is nothing that i can do to stop him from choppin beacause it is more his than mine. so much for 2 more weeks :(
  8. THC4ife

    How much longer? pics

    that is exactly what i dont want to happen. and hopefully ina few days after me bugging him and him seeing that the plants are not done yet, he will listen to me and wait the extra 3 weeks to have some dank
  9. THC4ife

    How much longer? pics

    we got our clones from my partners buddy who apparently got it from Hawaii and has been growing it for 20 years so idk what strain. i agree that they need more time so hopefully he sees that they are not done yet and wants to wait with me. i dont want shwagg
  10. THC4ife

    How much longer? pics

    ill post more pics as i get closer to harvest. its more my partner that wants to take them down more than me because he thinks they will be done sooner. idk what to tell him other then wait and hope he doesnt chop em
  11. THC4ife

    How much longer? pics

    its gonna be the fifth week of flowering on sunday and i plan on chopping them down within the week. the top hairs on the buds are turning the most, are the hairs inside goin to turn more before i harvest? any opinions would be sweet
  12. THC4ife

    First grow pix

    alright thanks for the tip kevin, ill make sure i do something about that for this grow and future ones.
  13. THC4ife

    First grow pix

    yeah about the yellow, all the inner leaves on the plant and ones that are not in direct light are really healthy green so it might be the light im using. ph is always around 6.5-7. Ill try giving it more nitrogen and post some more pics later. im feedin twice a week with foxfarm tiger bloom...
  14. THC4ife

    First grow pix

    First grow in my room, 1000 watt hps and in foxfarm ocean forest, day 21 of flower using what ive learned from my friends and rollitup
  15. THC4ife

    I built a price index for marijuana with my friend. Feedback?

    yeah dude this is sweet. i just posted on there
  16. THC4ife

    Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

    hahahaha thats the funniest shit ive ever heard.
  17. THC4ife

    Bout to harvest. Is this right?

    yeah your still a little bit early
  18. THC4ife

    BlackJacks 7 days to go :)

    i am thinking about getting some blackjack seeds. are they worth the buy?
  19. THC4ife

    To chop or not to chop?

    cut em both
  20. THC4ife

    Pics--Day 70 of 12/12

    lol i love the gravity bong in pic 3