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  1. T

    First Grow, nearly ready, getting anxious, advice on when to harvest needed

    The idea was to have fun and not spend a lot of money on first grow. I did a lot of reading and came up with this homebuilt setup. Some of it I already had and some was purchased just for the grow. Total cost under 250 easy. Some details... LED off ebay 300 watt new metal trash can for grow...
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    First Grow, nearly ready, getting anxious, advice on when to harvest needed

    LED lights switched now to 10/14, plant is looking really great. This is the sole survivor or 4 plants started from bag seed. The other 3 were boys. How close to harvest do you think I am? The flowers are really looking, smelling, and feeling nice, but I am new at this so I am looking for a...
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    Nice macro shots of my first grow

    She seemed to love posing for me...I used a nice dslr and a fixed focal length (prime) 100 mm macro lens...It is always fun when you can combine 2 hobbies.:-P
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    Nice macro shots of my first grow

    Stared in November, bag seed, 300 watt ebay led, soil, homemade stealth grow cabinet. 3 turned into boys 2 weeks into 12/12 flowering. This is the sole survivor. The different colors are due to different lights when I took the shots..... She is about 3 weeks into flowering, I figure I have 7...
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    I thought I had 2 females.....

    Anyone else have an opinion? I need to do something with this plant quickly. Boy or no boy?
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    I thought I had 2 females.....

    These plants have all been on 12/12 for 2 weeks, and are about 3 1/2 months old. Aren't preflowers on very young plants?
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    I thought I had 2 females.....

    i have one other plant in the grow room, and it has no sign of the "nuts" you see in the pic. Preflowers? Is there a way I can tell for sure before I shred this one? I sure don't want to put it back with the nutless one....
  8. T

    I thought I had 2 females.....

    First there were 4. Then a few days ago, with some forum members help, I figured out 2 were boys and I nuked them. Took a look tonight and nguess what? Another male???? Shit! No doubt now, right? I sure as hell hope the sole survivor really is female....Feminized mail order seeds next time....
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    Need confirmation of sex before I kill these males!

    The boys are now gone....too bad I cant make some herbal tea or something from them.
  10. T

    Need confirmation of sex before I kill these males!

    It is heartbreaking to know two of these plants have got to go. They are guilty of being the wrong sex, and nothing more....sniff sniff. Anyways,first grow ,bag seed, about 12 weeks old, been in 12/12 for 10 days or so.... One Two Three Four I think that 2 and 3 are fairly obvious...
  11. T

    Why do these plants look so different

    All the seeds came from the same bag, buds just like this. I do not know what type this is, maybe someone does? Thanks for the replies, I am glad to know all my girls look healthy(I hope they are girls)
  12. T

    Why do these plants look so different

    First grow,all sprouted from bag seeds, all seed came out of just a few buds,so they really must be from the same type, at least I would think so. Started germination about 1 month ago. Took 3 days to sprout. Planted and then replanted in bigger pots about 10 days ago. Pinched the tops(2 topped...
  13. T

    Male or Female - Too Early to Tell?

    New member, new grower, and I need help with this one as well. I actually found this growing outside, near an area where I know some seeds were dumped. Finding this got me reading forums like this, which led me to purchase some lights, build a small enclosure, and start some seeds today. But...