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  1. R

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    are you going to u of o right now?
  2. R

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    I'm very sorry that you have something large rammed up your ass, but all I was trying to do was share a recipe that has worked for me every time. You are one of those smokers who thinks your the shit and thinks you know everything about bud, when really your an ognoent asshole who will never...
  3. R

    Weed Tea

    i too have a friend who says he has made the tea. i wouldnt waste your buds on it though. he made his with stems and it doesnt have as much thc in them but if you use enough it works. i would use about an eighth of stems. the thing about tea though is that you have to use some sort of fatty...
  4. R

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    ok, so brownies are the shit, we all know this. But for those of you who have been just putting the bud straight in the mix or have been making the cannabutter, you havent been getting the full effect. here is a simple, but long proccess to make the best brownies you'll ever have. The reason...
  5. R

    hippie flippin

    this weekend i hippie flipped for the first time. for those of you who arent familiar with the term its when you take acid and ecstasy at once. two hits of acid and two pills equaled the most insane trip of my life. I highly reccomend it to anyone who is interested. the only down part of it is...
  6. R

    help me out with green dragon 151

    im making the green dragon today and im using 14 g's of mids. i just want to know if this shit actually works so im not wasting my shit. so anyone who has tryed it please let me know. thanks