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  1. F

    best autoflowering dwarf

    i would like to know too
  2. F

    Anyone ever grown any automatic flowering dwarfs?

    was wondering the same thing.. i heard that its good though^^^^^
  3. F

    opinions please!

    that looks pretty damn nice.....
  4. F

    opinions please!

    thanx, i think i'm gonna go with the ak47, and the diesel ryder. i want to get maybe a third strain, anyone have any other suggestions?
  5. F

    opinions please!

    wow, i must've tripped and bumped into this thread:cool:
  6. F

    opinions please!

    thanx, didnt know about the lower quality though
  7. F

    opinions please!

    i wanna harvest fast, and the autoflower dont grow too tall....dont really wanna spend like mad months growing again.......if i can harvest 3 months after seeding, why not?
  8. F

    opinions please!

  9. F

    opinions please!

    i want to do a grow indoors this time, since my last crop got chopped up and turned my weed hermie.:sad: i was looking into an autoflowering strain, because of the short time it takes from seed to finish. was gonna order from attitude seeds cuz i heard good things about them. i'm really...
  10. F

    drying weed with lights?

    thanx :joint:
  11. F

    drying weed with lights?

    even if its not sunlight?
  12. F

    drying weed with lights?

    i just recently am trying to dry out my question is if i got a hallogen light shining on them will it have any bad affects on my plant or drying process? i think htat i read that light can degrade ur thc levels? is this true? or is that only for direct sunlight
  13. F

    first time grower, big time problem!

    :neutral:yeah, and there is more were that came from lol
  14. F

    first time grower, big time problem!

    well i took ur guys advice and took em down,:hump: cuz i dont want the rest taken from me either...just did it this morning. should have some pics. up soon to show how much i got since they still had about a month of flowering left, can the bud still turn out okay? another thing is that, i...
  15. F

    first time grower, big time problem!

    how can u tell if it turned male or hermie? . its just that it didnt really look like that last week... and those pics show seed sacs...they aint pollen sacs. they are hard, and i opened a few and there were seeds in em
  16. F

    first time grower, big time problem!

    great help guys, much appreciated:eyesmoke: i'm just soooo pissed off, i spent like half a year growing and lovin these things and someone messed everything all stuff was looking realy good too. lots of crystals and everything. i got one tiny female maybe about 2 feet tall next to...
  17. F

    first time grower, big time problem!

    yeah sorry about the pic only camera i got right now. i just checked it again, and it looks like my bud started producing alot of seeds now..i'm pretty pissed because there wasnt any, or just maybe a few before, now i got lots...:-( are the hermies still good to smoke, like can...
  18. F

    first time grower, big time problem!

    sorry for the crappy pics taking pics with my cell phone camera.i tryed getting sum better pics.
  19. F

    first time grower, big time problem!

    ight, been growing my first plants since april. they grew hard and strong and are now very tall and healthy. they started to bud, about aug 10. i removed the males a few weeks prior, hoping to catch em early enough. so everything is going good until about 5 days ago, i come home from work to...