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  1. StonedTony

    Am I making this supersoil correctly?

    few flowering pics
  2. StonedTony

    Am I making this supersoil correctly?

    My plants look good to me. Ill add some pics. My clones are great. LST training em in their current pots which they are outgrowing. I just stripped all the fan leaves and cleaned her up. She seems happy. Gonna have to put in SS in a couple weeks when done cooking. I read all these soil mix...
  3. StonedTony

    Am I making this supersoil correctly?

    I have FFOF mixed with EWC, BloodMeal, BoneMeal, KelpMeal, Bat Dung, Cow manure compost, some mycorrhiza, DolLime, Perlite. Do I need Epsom Salt? I use tap water. Gotta add some Azomite but the store was out. Watered and is cooking right now for a little over a week. Do I need Sunshine mix or...
  4. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    Growing every feed. Just been doing compost teas with worm castings, bat shit, and few other nutes, humic acid every 3rd watering or when I think they need it. Last batch was hi p-k with some n still. Otherwise just watering. Top dressed some lime in about a week ago and ph has gone up a little...
  5. StonedTony

    my super stealthy underground grow room

    That is fantastic! Props!
  6. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    I know I have some nute burn and some heat stress cause it got up to like 85 the other day but I quickly fixed that. They are under a 2'x4' 8 bulb T5HO. Been running veg under just 4 bulbs because a. I only bought 4, and I didn't have the inline fan/filter at the time to keep heat down. Running...
  7. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    Ok so I finally have everything I need pretty much. Just been slowly buying stuff here and there. Started making compost teas and the girls have been responding. Def wasnt giving the proper nutes and what have you. Nitrogen mainly. Was still having some ph probs with my ph runoff reading around...
  8. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    I had a two prong ph tester from home depot I was using
  9. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    So I got my tds and ph meter and my tap water read 91 tds and 9.5ph. I had been using ph down anyways so Im sure I have a nut lockout problem. Now that I know that, the other problem was Ive been finding it hard to find RO water at the stores here in Boston. No one ever knows what Im even asking...
  10. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    I didn't know you could buy RO water either. Thanks for the tip
  11. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    Yes, that is the kind of info I was looking for TY! I'm going to do exactly that. I'll update in a week with new pics. Should I pull all the bad leaves? I've only been pulling the really dead ones cause I didn't want to further stress the plant but I'm worried if I pull to many it will just...
  12. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    If my medium is fucked up, which it clearly is, what if I just put it in fresh soil? Would that work? I only have 2 plants so not like its a pain in my ass to transplant em which I was going to do in a few days anyway when my lights come, and they need bigger containers. I bought soil yesterday...
  13. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    I live in an old building so maybe I should take a sample of the h2o and get it tested. Makes complete sense about the pipes and I know they are old in the building
  14. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    I know they are fucked but are they hopeless? I have plenty of seeds so I'm not to worried as I've been viewing these more as test plants till I get properly set up. I only give it Bio thrive and some root buster because my root system was not good because the first couple months it for no...
  15. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    I suppose the tap water is subject to change but overall we have what they say is the best tap water in the country, I dunno. There are tests every month you can look at.
  16. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    Ok. I give it Bio Thrive and some Root Buster every few days for feeding thats about it. Its possible I used too much of one or the other because I just kinda eyeball it when I do it, and I havent been mixing a gallon at a time. Im gonna get a gallon container and start doing more proper mixing...
  17. StonedTony

    Need expertise on soil/ph and these plant problems please

    Sorry for the long post but Im trying to give you guys as much info as possible here. So allot of what Im reading says that you really dont need to worry about pH if you use soil. Then I read that it matters. So if Im using soil should I buy a pH tester or not? My buddy says I dont need to worry...
  18. StonedTony

    Sick plants. Help. First grow.

    Thanks tikitoker! Very helpful info. I will say the bottom leaves were the first to start changing. I only pulled off the really bad ones thinking the other leaves might pull through. Going right now to the hydro store. Thanks again