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  1. F

    Ultra wide screen compatible PC games

    Hey everyone I just recently bought a new ultra wide monitor (for work -- sometimes :D), and I was wondering if there was a list somewhere or if anyone knew what games were compatible with 2560x1080. This is the monitor that I got!
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    Music to listen to while tripping on LSD?

    So I'm going to be trying LSD for my first time with a few close friends of mine. What are some songs I can listen to? Is there any particular music you listen to to get yourself out of a "panic mode"? Thanks for all the suggestions in advance! :)
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    If we would be attacked by aliens

    I hope they totally wipe out reality show's
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    What can you say about this video?

    This video I saw on youtube rocked my world, I never thought that a projector could be used with such creativity
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    Newbie cutie

    hello to everyone in the forum, I'm a newbie (of course) both in the forum and in the forum culture. I hope to find more friends and learn some other things soon