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  1. K

    Cheap cheap cheap

    Well, I guess I will be going with my larger area. I was just wishing on a lucky star when I walked in my bathroom and seen that little ol' space, lol. I am on probation, so I won't be doing anything until these last two months are up! So I have a little bit to plan. I need to add you on my...
  2. K

    Cheap cheap cheap

    So using CFL's will make my plant short and thick? I'm looking for plants under 2ft, maybe 3ft. I don't want some beast that towers me. I'm guessing the only way that can work is through hydroponics? That will cost me way to much money. Man, I have a lot of research to do
  3. K

    Cheap cheap cheap

    If I were to buy a 400w hps light, and some basic chemicals, would I be able to grow some decent dank? I just want to try it out, without getting to far in depth and debt, lol. I'll worry about all the other stuff as I go along. I've been doing a little research these last few days. I have a...
  4. K

    Questions on a grow box

    I believe this should fix my quote??
  5. K

    Questions on a grow box

    If I have a space with the dimensions of L-1'8'' W- 1'3'' H- 2'7'' (I believe dimensions deals with thickness but you get the point), would I be able to make a grow box able to produce 8oz's or better a crop? Or would I be A LOT better off using a space that is L- 2' W-3'5'' H- 3' to 4'? I would...