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  1. Kushyman

    What strains are you running right now?

    Ace of spades Tga Runtz mint Humboldt seed co. Wedding Cake
  2. Kushyman

    anyone else having a bad time with TGA seeds?

    Unless you are purchasing directly from the breeder, it is hard to blame them. You don't know how long the seed bank has had them, or how they were stored, etc.
  3. Kushyman

    Best tasting strains.

    Kandy Kush (DNA) and Sunshine Daydream (Bodhi)
  4. Kushyman

    Can't burp curing jars for a few days, options?

    I would either not tighten the lids all the way, or if they are Ball, Mason jars, place the rubber side up, for not such a tight seal.
  5. Kushyman

    The plant sokes up everything?

    At one time there was a guy on youtube claiming that flushing your weed with candy making extract and water (blueberry, strawberry, etc.) would give it that flavor. But what is wrong with the natural flavor, if grown right, and with the right genetics?
  6. Kushyman

    is there a strain that will keep you high for 3 or 4 hr???

    They are strains, not strands?
  7. Kushyman

    Can I harvest

    There are quite a few strains that take 12 weeks to flower, some even more.
  8. Kushyman

    Happy Holiday Everyone

    We've come a long way here in the U.S.
  9. Kushyman

    How long till flower flip?

    Is it just me, how can you have 30 bud sites on a plat that just sprouted a month ago.
  10. Kushyman

    Would You Vote for Rand Paul Now? He's for legal MJ, and running for president

    Don't get me wrong, I will not be supporting either one of these clowns, Paul or Cruz, but at least you know who Cruz is. Rand Paul flip flops almost daily. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT Then: Disagreed with the provision in the 1964 Civil Rights Act mandating that businesses can't discriminate in places...
  11. Kushyman

    how can I mail my friend some?

    Teach him how to grow his own. You know the saying, "teach a man to fish ...."
  12. Kushyman

    Looking for a light stimulant

    If you don't use much caffeine that should be all that you need. I really don't think that a light dose of coke exists (unless you are out of money), so I would leave that alone.
  13. Kushyman

    7 Days From Seed

    If they look healthy (no pics), they should be ok. Your main growth is going to be below the dirt (roots) right now, and that is exactly what you want. Keep good air flow, to build up those stems, and continue to keep your lights close to prevent stretching.
  14. Kushyman

    are self watering pots good for anything?

    I don't care for them, however, the Rev over at Skunk magazine swears by them.
  15. Kushyman

    Top 10 strains in the US in 2014

    Adam Dunn (T H Seeds) has always said that their bubblegum, is the Indiana bubblegum.
  16. Kushyman


    I grow in pro mix, therefore I always clone in pro mix. I use the cheapest rooting powder from my local farm store, and a styrofoam cooler, never lost a clone, and always have roots in 10 - 12 days, keep it simple.
  17. Kushyman

    Reserva privada sour diesel

    My Sour Tangie (DNA) throws single leaves like that also. Must be that Sour D cut.
  18. Kushyman

    when to stop nutrients

    You have at least 5 weeks left, at a minimum. I would estimate your yield at 1 - 2 ounces.
  19. Kushyman

    Alaska, Oregon and D.C. legalized rec cannabis

    I agree a lot of the new legalization laws sound crazy, but look at the even crazier laws that they are replacing, and the even more crazier federal laws that still exist. I think in time everything will come around (I never thought that I'd be saying that).
  20. Kushyman

    Best soil available at local stores?

    Menard's carries Pro Mix