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    Is it possible for a female to produce seeds without pollination?

    any reasonable guesstimates on within what proximity this male plant could have been to get this lightly pollinated?
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    Is it possible for a female to produce seeds without pollination?

    I grew clones outdoors this year. 100% female no hermie. From a 5 foot indica plant I pulled 6 seeds. Is it at all possible for a plant to have this happen without pollination? Starting to think someone else was growing somewhere near...
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    White Powder Cloud

    interesting...yeah surprising that it doesn't seem very common though...can't find any other posts on it...i guess it must be pollen from something, doesn't affect the plant at all but I'm sure it can't be good on the smoking end of it
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    White Powder Cloud

    nah you can't see it on the buds itself...only when you shake it. it kinda poofs than disappears kinda like blowing chalk dust but it's finer than that.
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    White Powder Cloud

    not it bro.. 100 percent female
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    White Powder Cloud

    Growing outdoors near a creek area with random vegetation surrounding in Norcal. My concern is they've collected hella pollen from another plant... when the buds are shaken a "poof" of a white powdery like cloud comes out. Everything about the plant appears healthy. I would just like to think it...
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    Need help on when to Switch FF ferts.

    do the switch when your plant begins to flower, not preflower. There is no arbitrary date, every plant is different, sometime in around mid August if your in Cali, whenever you see the buds starting to form.
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    Los ANgeles Outdoor

    for sure.... to just keep em on the patio you might get away with cutting out cardboard to keep the sides of the pot out of direct sunlight as an alternative.....
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    Los ANgeles Outdoor

    sure the cannabis likes hot weather BUT THE ROOTS DO NOT! If you have your plants above ground, especially in black containers, the soil itself can mimic the outside temp and virtually cook the roots! Extra watering will not make this any better as the room temp water you put in hours ago has...
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    Newbie with random questions and pics!

    whew so yes it does appear that the soil temperature was the main culprit of the heavy wilting. They looked absolutely horrible but after a good watering at night and the next day being relatively cool they bounced right back up! Take note especially you Nor Cal/hot weather growers your plants...
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    Newbie with random questions and pics!

    thank you i have put them in the shade. Do you think these guys are going to shrivel up and die or are they able to recover from this?
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    Newbie with random questions and pics!

    well it definitely wasn't due to too much water as I went 3 days without and now they are wilting more than ever.......please help I'm afraid I'm gonna lose the whole crop.....
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    Nutrients Question For Experienced Growers

    I'm doing pretty much the same but using FF Happy Frog. They were/are in 2 galls and not until week 4 did I start giving them Grow Big. The consensus from what I've read so far is that the soil is already nutrient dense, especially OF, that it is unnecessary or even excessive to begin...
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    Newbie with random questions and pics!

    any feedback folks?
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    OD '09 Where dreams come true

    my god that place was made for growing weed that's a sweet spot. Hope your water is year round.
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    Newbie with random questions and pics!

    Sup folks here's some updated pics of the plot. Growth seems to have been pretty good. Out of the 9 sprouted late March I've confirmed 5 females! The others are still keeping a secret but 5/5 ain't bad so far!!! They have an average height of about 2 feet, still in the 2 gallon buckets. Once the...
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    Any idea how long till signs of female/male will begin?

    I have 9 indica dominant strains at almost 2 months old and 6-9 nodes each and still havn't seen anything......
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    my outdoor plants are anywhere from 5-9 nodes tall now. According to the chart , especially my 9 node plants, I can expect them to be much smaller colas than if I had topped them early on. Does it still make sense to top at this point for the most yield??? They should be vegging into august...
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    Newbie with random questions and pics!

    Right on! I got the "node" thing down now! I came across another chart that indicates I may have waited too long for the 4 colas though..... my plants are anywhere from 5-9 nodes tall now. According to the chart below, especially my 9 node plants, I can expect them to be much smaller colas than...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Can I get input on exactly where I need to top my plants??? I'm still unsure of what "true node" means. My plants are 7 weeks old and have six of what I believe to be "true" nodes (where four branches meet the main stem, two are thick the other two thin). I am not including the one still...