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  1. the Pope

    How does My BaBiE'S Look?!?!?!?!?!?!

    lower the light it is so stretched
  2. the Pope

    Uc Police Are On This Site As U Read

    come on now guys u didn't know that there was ppl watching this shit seriously. i am not even that stupid that is y u don't do anything illegal. me i just like to talk about plant because i cant grow them.... moving back to Amsterdam in a lil then i can start again i cant believe that cops have...
  3. the Pope

    My First Grow, super noob, could use some help!

    hahaha i like the lil grow box i would line the inside with some sort of reflective material so that u get maximum lighting black isnt a good color
  4. the Pope

    I was treated so bad at this clinic

    come up to washington i can help u out hehe
  5. the Pope

    Root gel and some experiments

    that is weard i have had a plant do that before but i didnt have any cloning jell it just did it itself like right in the middle of the plant it did that Y is my question
  6. the Pope

    12\12 V.s 11\13

    maximum bud out put with 12 12 do not i reepeat DO NOT go 11 13 it will not help i have done it before and the buds r terning orange because the cfls r a dif spec that probably promote bud groth even though u r supost to use hps lamps keep the cfls in there it can only help
  7. the Pope

    how much yield?

    it all depends r u growing in soil or hydro or outside or inside and also the amount of light it should be a bout a g per watt. its all a factor so i say just grow it take some clones sex it if it hasnt been yet and go on from there
  8. the Pope


    my friends dad spliced a cannabis plant with a strawberry plant and it worked so i know u can do it. i am just wondering about is if u need like splicing solution or somthing
  9. the Pope

    Weed Smoke

    Your Soul Is From Outside Isnt It Hahahahhahahahah Grass In Your Grass It Is Green Though I Give U Props For That
  10. the Pope

    Welcome New Members!

    howdy i am new 2 this sight and i just am trying to make some grow friend if u know what i meen. it is my second time growing the avattar i have is my pride and joy i have others but i have never seen one grow so fast and plentifule it is only 2 1/2 weeks old in that pic my mom gave me...
  11. the Pope

    Women And Weed

    afirmative captain i think that is a great idea how about this weird animals with bud id like to see that one 2
  12. the Pope

    The 2nd grow begins

    i have 6 in one 5 gal bucket i am trying to make a big ass bush but my friends tell me they will kill each other i think otherwise but we will see i guess wont we muhahahahhqahahahah my mom gave me this seed that she got from her guy and it is doing amazing she told me that there is...
  13. the Pope

    1 plant

    u mean a floresant if u get a 120 from target or somthing it will work better check out this one i am groing in my closet this one in only 2 1/2 weeks old and i have it under 2. 100 watt halagien lights and 2 120 hps and a cupple florecance or what ever they r called
  14. the Pope

    1 plant

    yes u can. i sugest getting a hps grow light at like fred myers or some place like that target even sells them or just put it on your window sill for the first 2 weeks or so and then put it under that light