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  1. S

    Can you tell the sex of your plant in veg

    I have a question about preflowers in a bag seed cfl grow I started a few weeks ago, around the stem near the spot where the nodes connect to the stem. There are little green hairs sticking out and at each spot there are four all the way around the main stem. Are those male or female preflowers...
  2. S

    Three Day old Seedling Wilting

    I have a three day old seedling that was doing wonderful until this morning when i woke up to find her wilting i haven't watered in a day or two because I'm afraid of over-watering but i gave her a drink about an hour later her leaves turned up towards the light which is a florecent tube light...
  3. S

    help my wilting seedlings!

    I have a similar problem my seedling is witing could this be caused by lack of ventalation it is growing in a converted file cabinet or over watering i don't know how much to water it every day 24 hours ago it was fine here are some pics