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    flowering help with 2 plants

    Hey guys. Harvested just over an ounce in total in the end. Just thought I'd let you guys know after you helped me :)
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    100w cfl harvest - have a look ?

    and should i keep a fan on and keep them in the dark for drying?
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    100w cfl harvest - have a look ?

    roughly speaking, how long to let them hang like this?
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    thanks for the help!
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    dutch passion website says 8-10 weeks for the ultimate and the haze is an auto so that should in theory be done in 70 days. the calyxes on the ultimate have swollen and turned a darker green than they were before and has 70% approx brown hairs. the longer i leave them the stonier the high is...
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    by the way when i say flowering day 63 i mean since i switched to 12/12. does that mean i need to give them longer because sex didn't show until day 17. help guys!
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    ultimate + haze 100w grow

    what do you guys think for a first time grower? close up:
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    thanks for the help and advice!
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    they bloomed 3 times the size and they smell juicy and citrusy == i've been using unsulfered blackstrap molasses and water together to flush them. i've read molasses works very well in the last few weeks and i will agree that it does indeed. it changes the scent from florally to fruity and...
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    simple question; Is this nute burn or something?

    does this help?
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    auto flowering cfl question

    veg with 6500k and 2700k but more 6500 than 2700 if you can use 2700k for flowering bulb types: 35 w lotus flower 20 w stick 23 w spiral that's what i used i don't know how much you will need though
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    Day 52(ish :p) of flowering [with total 100w/6250lumens] DutchPassion say the ultimate takes between 8-10 weeks and RoyalQueen say up to 12 weeks on the haze. starting to see full amber/brownish pistils on lower part of the ultimate not really at the top and a few rare amber tips on the pistils...
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    thank you @SOMEBEECH appreciate the kindness/rep also tried a lower nug of the wet amnesia haze. wasn't as head high like the ultimate but was more body high. still smoked very bad but again the taste wasn't terrible and no headache either. gonna leave the rest on the plant not taking anymore...
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    taste wasn't bad tbh i tried one of the lower nugs of the ultimate. very fruity taste. makes me excited for the finished ones. it did burn poorly as expected also i didn't get a headache like is usually predicted
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    50 days flowering... Kinda want to pick a lil nug and trying some freshly picked. Any ideas? Every tried?
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    alright that's enough. thank you to the people who helped. i'm done with this site.
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    and i think i've stated already that this is my first grow and i'm not looking to grow the biggest and bestest everest plants because, eh.. i'm a first time grower. it is just experimenting and constantly telling me over and over again that I NEED MOAR LIGHT LOL isn't going to make me change my...
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    i can handle the comments dad. thanks for looking out for me.
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    also i find it funny that the people who think that they are funny, are the people who have thousands of posts on here... :/
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    flowering help with 2 plants

    you guys think you're being funny but alllll you're doing is pushing people away from this site. very helpful site with lots of cool people. thank you to the people who have helped me so far. 100w/6100 lumens on the plants now. there are no shady areas now. this will be it as far as "more...