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  1. rknchkn

    To the chopping block: Are these males?

    Thanks everyone for the help. These were three of eight, so not all is lost. The remaining girls look good, they just keep on growin'. The next grow will be with Fem seeds to begin with. Thanks again-
  2. rknchkn

    To the chopping block: Are these males?

    First plant is G13 Power Skunk, day 14 of flowering. Second is Spontanica. I'm 95% sure these are males, I just need a second opinion before sending these plants to the afterlife. Any help is much appreciated.
  3. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Thanks for checking out my journal and the compliments. I hadn't planned on vegging for 50+ days, but thats just how things worked out. Everything I've read said plan on 9+ weeks of flowering, so thats what my schedule is. This is my first go-round, so I'm just going with the flow to get the...
  4. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Well, thats gotta be your call. Just depends on how much room you have, time available, how much you wanna spend on nutes/lights/etc. I am growing 4 Power Skunk at the moment, which I got for free from Attitude as well. From everything I have seen, they are monsters, and yes they will take up...
  5. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Day 52: Day 1 of flowering. Only 9 or so weeks to go. The Spons continue to fill out and get bushier. The vertical growth has all but stopped. The G13 Power Skunk, however, is the exact opposite. I have no doubt that the PS is going to eat up every inch of height available in this room...
  6. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Day 49: Beginning 36 hours of uninterrupted darkness to jumpstart flowering. See ya in a few days girls… Pics: darkness
  7. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Day 46: We’re officially in pre-flower. Spons are all showing pre-flower, Power Skunks are half pre-flowered. Going with two more feedings and then the flowering stage. Pics: pre-flower
  8. rknchkn

    Are these pre-flowers/pistils? If so...

    Hoping for all fems! Thanks for the compliments!
  9. rknchkn

    Are these pre-flowers/pistils? If so...

    Thanks for the help! Kitten Grower knows best!
  10. rknchkn

    Are these pre-flowers/pistils? If so...

    I now know why Feminized seeds cost so much, cuz they are worth it! No worrying about damn males or hermies. Thanks for the help-
  11. rknchkn

    Are these pre-flowers/pistils? If so...

    Thanks for the help, fingers are officially crossed!
  12. rknchkn

    Are these pre-flowers/pistils? If so...

    Are these pre-flowers/pistils? If so, do they look female? First grow, 46 days in. Details in my grow journal. Thanks for the help-
  13. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Day 45: Tallest Spon is nearing 22”, the rest are still lacking tho. Getting closer to flowering by the day. Pics: veg growth
  14. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Day 43: Same as before, just more growing. Misted for the first time, using Dark Energy and regular nutes. Pics: veg growth
  15. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Day 38: Just more growing. Spontanicas have slowed in vertical growth and are getting bushier by the day. Power Skunk is exploding upward, and not filling out in the middle much. Pics: veg growth
  16. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Second part of photos...
  17. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Day 35: Well, probably a week or two late, but I’m repotting half the ladies. The Spons, the bigger of the two breeds, are being put into 3.1 gal Maxipot containers. The new soil is lighter, mixed with more peat and perlite than the original, which as gRimR33FER pointed out was a bit too...
  18. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Thanks for the message, I checked out your journal earlier tonight. I was cracking up when I saw the Aqua Globes: I got a set of those from my gf for a gift as well! I've been using mine to water some damn houseplant, so stickin' with the ole watercan for the ladies. When do you plan to put...
  19. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Day 31: Have begun feeding nutes again. Started at ¼ strength on day 27, watered day 29, fed day 31 at ½ strength. Largest Spon is at 8”, average height of Spons is 6”. Power Skunk is still behind, but catching up quickly. For one month old, how do they look? Pics: veg plants
  20. rknchkn

    Yet another n00b grow: Spontanica & Power Skunk

    Thanks for the message, and I completely agree. I didn't use enough peat and perlite when I mixed the soil. When I repotted to 3gal containers I used a much more mixed soil. Thanks again-