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  1. scann311

    Hawaiian Snow

    i did 4 of these they take 13 weeks to flower so not for the impatient!!!!! very strong, energetic high wit some giggles!
  2. scann311

    What's the best highest yielding strain?

    Why thankyou! I started messing around around 5 years ago, i have been using my current plot for the past 2 years, I've used the same amount of light the the same amount/type of neuts that i use on every grow, just that one plant gave the biggest yield by far! smells like chemicals, like, pine...
  3. scann311

    400 hps or a 600 hps cooltube in a homebox s for flower?

    If you can control the heat then i say do it! The more light, the better, especially in flower! if your going to buy a new bulb for flower then you might as well make it a red spec n'all!
  4. scann311

    What's the best highest yielding strain?

    I have a similar size plot to you 2.5/2.5/2.5. i only use 2 600 hps and 2 200watt envirolites hanging low!. i guess 2 1000watt would give off too much heat without GOOD ventilation? Still, it gives off around the same luminems with less heat, but as a rule , the mre light the better! Anyway i...
  5. scann311

    Home Made Co2 Tutorial

    i'm no body builder, but i kno that they eat that shit and it bulks you up, seems to reduce shrinking too? i like to thro in a little cha ching into my mix. big fat sticky sweet buds Mmmmm........ well worth the extra lay out!
  6. scann311

    Home Made Co2 Tutorial

    i used this cheap c02 method a while ago, it works fine, tho get it wrong and it can become v messy and you need to replace it every night period and only really wrks for clossets not big rooms. As long as your area is well ventilated you shouldn't need to apply c02. for strong vig growth i...
  7. scann311

    t.v light and dark period

    not tv but in my room i have a little light leaking in, only really visable if you have been in the total dark for a few minutes. my girls are flowering beautifully? what are the dangers?
  8. scann311

    Its getting worse---SHIT!!! yellow and drooping,PICTURES

    cha ching is top stuff produces the stickiest of buds. just add it to nutes (reduce nutes 1/3 and make up with cha ching) about 4-5 weeks into flowering for sticky heavy buds. Not cheap stuff tho!!!