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  1. GrowingPA

    30 days in, about 60 days late!!

    If you found the ball sacks lower on the plants i have had great luck with just removing them and praying. I never got any on the upper plant, but 1-5 on the bottom but this was very early in flowering and i just took them off and have not found any more since and the buds look healthy and...
  2. GrowingPA

    3 weeks to harvest!

    After you dry those out post back so we can here about the flavor,It takes brass balls to grow in your backyard:leaf::clap:
  3. GrowingPA

    my leaves are turning up ward (pics)

    Heat will make the leaves turn upwards, on some of the hot days here my plants leaves would almost stand straight up.Foxtailing is what i believe it is called. I also never used any nutrients during flowering just a mixture of nice cornfield soil and some miracle grow. I use molasses...
  4. GrowingPA

    My 2008 Grow

    yea im in Penns woods. lol I was born and raised in this state.
  5. GrowingPA

    My 2008 Grow

    both are bagseed The weed i got now is great i have not sampled the plant yet, but i cant is the key. The big one hopefully the buds start to grow faster lol
  6. GrowingPA

    My 2008 Grow

    Here are some picture of my 2 females i grew outside this year, and some nice bud i got
  7. GrowingPA

    light and airy buds??

    i personally think molasses works. So :bigjoint:
  8. GrowingPA

    Upside down grow.

    just to experiment. soon ill post my outdoor crop pics.
  9. GrowingPA

    Upside down grow.

    Do you think it would be possible to grow weed upside down like people do with tomatoes. They just use 5 gallon buckets with a hole in the bottom and a lid on top, Then they put the plant in it and hang it outside and then mother nature takes over. I wonder how this would work with an indoor...
  10. GrowingPA

    how to quick dry

    Someone on here suggested to put them on the back of your tv, i picked a small bud from my lower plant and tried it for a sampler, it worked well, left it on for a day. i would say it gets quite warm on the back of the tv where the vent is, it would work perfect for a sampler or small buds.The...
  11. GrowingPA

    light and airy buds??

    The more light that get to the buds the denser they are going to get. I would try to water with molasses to help densin the buds.But one of the main factors is light describe the area around your plants, this maybe the main factor. Im not sure but i believe soil also plays a factor in the...
  12. GrowingPA

    Telling indica from sativa

    i have a five foot sativa out now it just started to get buds like 5 days ago, i think it will do fine with the weather even though the cold is coming.
  13. GrowingPA

    two problems need help

    since it is already 10 inches tall and is showing sex signs i would build a small box and use cfls. i would suggest a Tupperware and put it on 12/12 right from the begining. Not really sure what size or watt cfls you should use for the plant, since you only have one. The chances of failure seem...
  14. GrowingPA

    Outdoor Grow 08'

    I have plants outside just like yours, purple stems, but no purple leaves, when you smell it does it have deep smell, until you squeeze the buds then the skunky smell flows out?