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  1. Diazed001

    My BLUE DREAMS R FROSTY BLUE and the others suck! lol Pictures from clones to bush!!!

    Sorry man but I can only see three of your pictures, all the others are invalid attachments!
  2. Diazed001

    I may have a problem

    Thank you guys! I really appreciate all the feedback! Hopefully the rest of my grow goes a little better!
  3. Diazed001

    I may have a problem

    There is the poor girl. Not really sure what to make of it. I flushed it the week that I got back and didn't water again for a week until about a half inch of soil was dry again.
  4. Diazed001

    I may have a problem

  5. Diazed001

    I may have a problem

    I am not too sure if you can post pictures through mobile but I will ASAP
  6. Diazed001

    I may have a problem

    Hello everybody, I have been in an extremely low budget grow since the 7th of last month. I stuck to strictly sunlight for 8 days. Then moved to three 75watt LED's and a 100 watt CFL. Three weeks ago one of my plants was over watered or received nute burn when my friend watched my plants for the...
  7. Diazed001

    No problem at all that was exactly the answer I was looking for! I just wanted to make sure that...

    No problem at all that was exactly the answer I was looking for! I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to go posting something stupid later on. Thanks!
  8. Diazed001

    Too much blue spectrum?

    I have my lights about six inches above my plant. And thank you for all the advice! I needed it!
  9. Diazed001

    Too much blue spectrum?

    Hello everybody, this is my first grow and to start off I am only doing one plant every three weeks. (Just so I don't accidentally kill them all on my first try) I am growing recreationally for personal use. So far I have converted a "portable closet" into a grow tent. Very inexpensive setup so...