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  1. Leetginger

    Isis Grow Journal from seed

    how was the smoke on this, any chance of a report?
  2. Leetginger

    Sensi Seeds Jack Herer - Soil - 400w MH/HPS

    Subscribed. Looking very good so far man, keep up the good work! I am very interested to see what happens with this, as I plan on getting some JH beans soon. Sucks you didn't get more females so you could be more picky in the phenotype selection. Nonetheless I'm sure you will be happy =)
  3. Leetginger

    Sagarmatha Western Wind

    Hey all, I have been doing some searching and stumbled upon a strain by sagarmatha called western wind. Their site says it is almost pure sativa with a haze taste and high. I have seen some opinions that say it is very nice, but I haven't seen any grow journals or smoke reports. I am very...
  4. Leetginger

    "Querkle" my new pink toed taranchula

    I love the idea of having plants growing in the same environment as your makes everything seem a lot more natural that way, very cool. And that spider looks bad ass
  5. Leetginger

    Need soil suggestions!

    Thats your choice, I bought my soil and perlite at lowes, it was just topsoil plain dirt nothing else...the first few weeks of life your plants wont really need any food in the soil they will tell you once they need to start being fed
  6. Leetginger

    Crop 09 pics

    Apart from its own nutrients that it provides, its also a chelating agent, it helps the plant uptake nutrients more efficiently while providing some of its own. Certainly a beneficial product to be using. Nice buds dude =)
  7. Leetginger

    Need soil suggestions!

    Those choices sound ok, but when you say MG potting mix, sounds to me like there is probably nutes and everything in that MG mix? and perlite in the MG mix as well? Gotta be careful because some MG mixes have time released ferts, and that spells certain doom when you are giving seedlings your...
  8. Leetginger

    Need soil suggestions!

    np, yea you want to make sure and mix the perlite into the soil throughout. No clumps of dirt or anything, so that there is good drainage for your plants.
  9. Leetginger

    What to do when i have a power cut?

    I'm interested in hearing a solution to this also, as I grow in an apartment and it would totally screw up my flowering schedule
  10. Leetginger

    Need soil suggestions!

    No need to adjust the soils PH when you first start off, You can check it to make sure its in range, but chances are it will be. Ph usually gets thrown off once you start adding ferts Even the cheap stuff at wal-mart has been steamed for sterilization so you wont have to worry about it causing...
  11. Leetginger

    Need soil suggestions!

    You could take the simple and cheap route and just buy some topsoil at wal-mart or lowes, along with perlite and you have your potting mix. Just mix the topsoil in with the perlite at about 60/40 ratio and you should be all set.
  12. Leetginger

    8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)

    extremely clean setup and nice construction job, top notch. From what I understand sativas can be a pain to grow, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised. I'm sitting in for this one =D
  13. Leetginger

    Flowering with Molasses. and fish emulsion

    molasses works great, but the fish emulsion is best used for vegging plants. Try and get a fert with a ratio higher in P and K, something along the lines of 10-35-15, just make sure you have more P and K because they use more phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) than anything else, and it will give...
  14. Leetginger

    Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth???

    barney's farm sweet tooth strain is a cannabis cup winner, so you can expect it to be very resilient, and produce loads of bud. I am currently growing it, just put them into flower but I have had zero problems thus far and its my first grow. good luck!
  15. Leetginger

    Molasses ?

    The 3LB’s Molasses Manual - A Marijuana Growers Guide To Soil Sweeteners The above link I found to be a great source for why molasses is a GREAT thing to use for your plants during flowering. Its a bit long and in depth but it answers a lot of questions.