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  1. seth gibson

    Can a these buds be done at day 42?

    So this girl is blooming right under CFL'S barly touching the footprint of an 180 LED. Her tricomes are milky and a very very very few amber and yes plenty of clear. I'm aware 42 days is ridiculous...or is it? What would you do? I'm also about to run out of weed so it could just be desperation...
  2. seth gibson

    Marijuana related stocks. Investment opportunities to become rich

    PHOT and CBIS are two cheap stocks that cost pennies and deal with weed. Have a field day looking into CBIS and it's potential for curing certain cancer tumors. Do you gamble? Do you play scratch tickets etc for riches? Stop playing those games and save up for penny stocks to buy once a month...
  3. seth gibson

    Mr Obama helps out persons of color.... or does he...

    Someone great once said he dreamed of his children being judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin while this president says judge by the color of their skin and ......
  4. seth gibson

    is hash taboo

    [I'm trying to quit cigs..] That i understand. Good luck. I quite cigs a couple months ago with the help of bad weed. Whenever i needed to smoke a cig i replaced it with the crap smoke. For about two weeks i was smoking 5 joints a day cut in two and was the angriest pot head i've ever...
  5. seth gibson

    Found easy method of making cannabis tea with coffee maker... video

    i predict big headache and sadness for you. Capture your trichomes on a silk screen or slowly with a grinder screen and than waiste your scrapes. I have thought about grinding trimmings up super fine like coffee and stuffing in tea bag but i do believe thc is non-water salable meaning hot...
  6. seth gibson

    is hash taboo

    Hey man but your hash in the crappy joints and get high with your friends or sit in your basement smoking great stuff alone. Smokegreenshit offers good advice and you crash on him. Have you tried it? At least start them on beginner kief hash or something from there buds so they can see your not...
  7. seth gibson

    The Life Cycle of a Bud

    I pulled a plant yesterday and to my surprise (and somewhat dismay) today I'm going around the plant like a wild bird eating the seed pellets. At least i feel good thirty minutes later and i got the plant picked before the seeds really started to mature. As for the seeds there good eaten' when...
  8. seth gibson

    400W CFL, 8 Plant Grow

    I bet if you planted those autoflowers now they would do just fine. My reading and slight experience is that Autos need to be born with a silver spoon in their mouths. I.E. Pot size, grow room lights and environment already set up perfectly. Learning how to grow on Auto’s offers the...
  9. seth gibson

    Lights Please

    Yea but you should have seen..... the frost. When you here someone say my stuffs pure fire you can just know my stuff went up in one fire. This picture should show you i am building up to a pound plant...someday. Far far away...but it is coming. The confined auto that will not end.Auto Lennon...
  10. seth gibson

    Lights Please

    In the summer, three plants i cared for died except the one i ignored. Of course 1.9 grams dried but it hooked me. Everything wrong from pot size to clear pot to no nutes. Learned a lot about what not to.
  11. seth gibson

    Lights Please

    I must say on day 24 of flower I feel things seem to be going well. Two of my plants are showing frost and although it might have been too late to make a difference I have upgraded to a two gallon smart pot for the plant that needed it most (day 20). Thanks Naturworksorganics, now when I look...
  12. seth gibson

    Jungle Wreck with HTG Supply 2 Foot 2 Lamp PL-55 Tek Lamp

    Your plants look nice. Question, Why not change pots to something bigger now before flower and put plants into a pot that is dark in nature. Your plant roots don't like light and you like your plants soooooo..... If you are like me, at 20 days into flower you will wish that you had bigger...
  13. seth gibson

    my first grow

    I'm new at growing too. I read somewhere that 12/12 plants for a few days gets that explosion of growth and if you turn back to regular summer hours it is a way to bulk up the plants without vegging as long (it looks like your plants grew nice under CFLs for a month) and then following with a...
  14. seth gibson

    Bubblelicious CFL grow

    I've seen utube videos where growers snap but don't break (pinching) the plant while in flower to direct the plant to grow sideways. I noticed you might be able to have the branch come out a ways towards you. I don't know if this would be too hard for your growing situation or if it is a...
  15. seth gibson

    400W CFL, 8 Plant Grow

    Have you noticed an increase in bugs with your fertilizer? I dont understand your timing. On the 10th you had been going for 3 weeks? shouldn't an auto by now be flowering?
  16. seth gibson

    Lights Please

    NaturalWorksOrganic, My wife doesn't smoke really at all and she asked me today if my harvested autoplant should last me awhile and i almost laughed out-loud. That plant will make it maybe a week most likely with me 3 to 4 days while she is thinking it will last me weeks so I am starting to...
  17. seth gibson

    Lights Please

    Vostok, Yes the future scares me if it involves mold. I think you are referring to letting air circulation to the buds? If you do not place CFL’s just so you get in my case, but with one plant…bushes. Tight nodes sounds great but I really wouldn’t have minded plants...
  18. seth gibson

    Lights Please

    I ordered seeds in October from Atitude Seeds and it was as if they encouraged customs to go through it by how they labeled the package. Busted, so no seeds for me. Bonzi Seeds got a delivery through but by the time I got my seeds it had been 45 days since my first attempt at ordering seeds...
  19. seth gibson

    1st cfl attempt, how's it looking? 1st day of flower

    I too am starting to wish I had gone with something like this. Now tell me you haven’t already spent that much on your CFL’s or are about to. I saw...
  20. seth gibson

    1st cfl attempt, how's it looking? 1st day of flower

    How many plants you got in there? Looks like more than 5. Some don't look 68 days old. I am on my first cfl grow and now must face cutting my smallest plant out to save the rest or you might as well read the new post from yesterday about more light. At 21 days into flower your set up will...