Dude this is obviously a thread showing what IM up to not an AD I should be allowed to show something to others who asked to see it. Either way I'll abide by the rules cas I rather be part of RIU and I probably owe an apology to the community. Sorry RIU I love it site even if it don't love me it...
Yes I have seen something outside of me that gives me the option to take the right paths, I have also learned that u can create consequences not only suffer from them.....just more food for thought
I do recommend the documentary entitled "religulous" and for people to see the evil behind...
well I began thinking very much introspectively, after doing research and watching documentaries like religulous, I have come to the realization that religions are bullshit, I also came to the conclusion there was no god. but creationism still seems real to me. so now i say and pray to the...
hell yeah i skate i am suuuper good now, got a low voltage cablin jopb now 10$ n hour and i always get 40+ hours a week whipn it in a mazda protegei sport, all off my own money, livin in northwest GA now still tryna get my ownplace i can afoord like 400 a month easy 500 is pushin it. but damn...
high yall i am 20 years old and more mature and working and started doing the same things i said i would, i have missed all of yall on RIU i have spent alot of timeon the forums and thought i should jump back into the community for more fun give me a shout!