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  1. H

    SeedsGeek SCAM (Buyer Beware)

    (Mods feel free to place this in a better spot if necessary) I placed an order with Seedsgeek about 2 weeks ago. In attempting to complete payment on their site, I received multiple payment errors for completely valid CCs. I ended up trying 2 different cards a total of about 10 times and one of...
  2. H

    $1400 Electric Bill for 1 Bdrm Apt (HELP)

    The thing is I was only running one of the 600s and a 400 for this billing cycle. The AC was on often, but nowhere near all the time and I was not venting out the AC. I ran the light at night and kept the AC off most of the day. The previous billing cycle I had both 600s on and the bill was only...
  3. H

    $1400 Electric Bill for 1 Bdrm Apt (HELP)

    Hey guys - long time reader, first time poster here... I just got the worst bill of my life and I'm trying to figure out if it's legit or there's some sort of mistake here. I live in a 1 bdrm apt and run 2x 600w digital HPS in flowering and sometimes a 400w digital MH for veg. It is a...