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  1. vag


    your retarded... .those are percocets and i'm perscribed them now.. they are 5mg each by the way
  2. vag

    So... Who smoked That Barack Obama

    i'm from north jersey and i've never heard of it
  3. vag

    Guess the weight of the weed - ;) - heh - just got some free stuff !

    thats at least 12 grams. thats a beautiful bud
  4. vag

    Oh No!!!!!!

    ^^^thats fucked up^^^
  5. vag

    freshly bought herbs [pics]

    do you happen to know the name of that bud THSeekin? looks like the same bud i have now and it is super skunky
  6. vag


    downtown manhatten nobody gives a fuck as long as your not showing it off and causing a public disturbance by it
  7. vag

    Your Favourite Rolling Paper.

    EZ Wider LIGHTS
  8. vag


    rohto's and opcon A are the best. i steal opcon from my work because it's like $9. i think its a good idea to always have them in your car or something
  9. vag

    Camel Crush

    i tried them... i like em
  10. vag

    how much in a quarter

    dirtyboy's got it right
  11. vag

    smokin inside vs. smokin outside

    if your inside and you put a fan againts a window facing outside it is really nice because it sucks all the air out of the room eventually and its not super breezy so you can blow 0's and shit
  12. vag

    Worst Packaging

    i've gotten weed out of a napkin before... anyone else????
  13. vag

    Weed sharing

    haha i always make him do the dirty work. like say we dont have any weed and we go somewhere to find some and there is some big scary black guy who might have some.... he's gotta ask him incase we get like mugged or something hahah
  14. vag

    Does anyone like to put anything in their bong besides water?

    i've used arizona iced tea in my bubbler and it makes absolutely no difference at all except make the inside all sticky
  15. vag

    Weed sharing

    my friend is so fucking lazy. i smoke him out almost every day and he wont get a job. i keep threatening to stop smoking him out but i never do
  16. vag

    this is when u kno ur a lazy ass stoner

    rolly chairs are the best
  17. vag

    So i'm high and iM just thinking.

    you must be stoned off your ass
  18. vag

    "I'll let you know, give me 10 minutes"

    and this one kid (who had the skunkiest bud) stops dealing but doesnt tell anyone so whenever you call he just ignores you
  19. vag

    Do you like those clear rolling papers?

    i never used them but would definately would like to try them out. i was actually gonna buy them in the the city(nyc) but i didnt. damn
  20. vag

    "I'll let you know, give me 10 minutes"

    or when its already like 10:30pm and you finally get in touch with someone who actually has weed and they're like "yea..... umm, give me like an hour. i'll call you" thats annoying