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  1. D

    Kill it, right?

    thanks v much. I have enough seeds. Tomorrow he dies. Do you think that my transition from Aerogarden to garage to outside created a wierd light cycle that accelerated the sexing? I know the males show themselves first, but my plants are pretty small--I don't think I want them to be...
  2. D

    Kill it, right?

    Am a newbie, so I am just checking, but this is a male, right? Seems too early to be getting ball sacks. I started my seeds in an Aerogrow, then hardened them in a sunny garage window in Northeast US, moved them outside gradually, then finally planted them in 2 Gallon containers. Juicy Fruit...
  3. D

    Vaporizer questions

    I saw somewhere a recomendation to not fill the chamber until after the unit heats up for 3-4 minutes--does that make sense? How quickly should the weed vaporize?
  4. D

    Vaporizer questions

    OK-thanks, maybe I am too impatient. does the vapor stay in the chamber until you pull on it, or should I keep my finger over the mouthpiece? What should the weed look like when it is spent?
  5. D

    Vaporizer questions

    I just bought an Iolite, Used it 3 times. I do not get the same rush or high when I use it, so either I am using it wrong, or the high is not as good as when you use flame and a pipe or bong. Do you need to use more weed in a vaporizer (is it less efficient)?
  6. D

    It wasn't me! Where do they get $1000/plant? Is that realistic. I never buy pot so I have no idea how much it costs...
  7. D

    Is this over fertilization?

    Thanks V much
  8. D

    Is this over fertilization?

    I just fertilized with 5-10-5 and noticed a few of my leaf tips are starting to curl...
  9. D

    are these all males?

    This is only my second year and my plants are just starting to flower. Are these all males? I am pretty sure that 1 and 2 are, but what about 3 and 4?
  10. D

    3-4 weeks to go in New England?

    thanks-by "leaf damage" do you mean holes from bugs eating them or something else?
  11. D

    3-4 weeks to go in New England?

    My first grow and I just cannot believe that I actually have these buds. I probably have about 10 good stalks. The growth in the last week has been pretty amazing--As recently as a week ago, I could still see the main stem--but no longer. Anyway--I am guessing I have to wait another month...
  12. D


    Love the picture of the curing buds with the Judge on the TV in the background!
  13. D

    brown on my buds--is that OK?

    WOW you guys are fast! As soon as I posted, I realized the phot got left out and inthe time it took to post the photo--there were already two responses! Thanks very much. Been flowering for about 3 weeks.
  14. D

    brown on my buds--is that OK?

    Is it time to harvest (not very big, yet) or is there a problem (temps getting down to the high 40s at night)...
  15. D

    how far away should males be?

    Thanks everyone--but if I kill the male, where will I get seeds from? I guess maybe at this point my Females will probably have some, huh? Also, why would I want to collect pollen? Apologies-this is my first ever grow-I am reading all of the great info on this site, but never saw anything...
  16. D

    how far away should males be?

    I kept one male for seeds, and I have it sitting in a pot about 20 feet away from my girls--is that too close? The male has pretty many pollen sacs right now and the females have been flowering about 2 weeks. Should I move the male away? Is it too late (I am in N.E. US)?