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  1. L

    Lost A List, by strain of %thc & cbd content. Also had same data for the hash made...

    Thanks, Party. I'm searching the archives as we speak. I'll post the link as soon as I find it...and I WILL find it. :-)
  2. L

    2013-14 Six Plant 600W grow

    Hi Aim, I just came across your journal this morning, and it's like reading a Great Book. I HAVE GOT to go get things done, but I can't tear myself away. I'm fighting the urge to turn to the last page and learn the ending. Thank you for taking the time to share your efforts with us. I'm there...
  3. L

    Lost A List, by strain of %thc & cbd content. Also had same data for the hash made...

    It also gave the same data about the hash and other concentrates made from each strain. The link was embedded in a reply by a RIU member, but I can't, for the life of me, find the thread again. It was a 17 page .pdf file that I found and thought that I bookmarked, but I guess not. Does anyone...