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  1. E

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Thanks, what is the gravity method? Apologies for my ignorance and much appreciated.
  2. E

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Hi Frenchy or anyone else who has purchased the boltdbags. Do these bags drain faster than say your generic Bubble bags? I am looking to purchase them and am wondering what the main differences are. We did some handmade IWE yesterday and the 25 micron bag took a long time to drain, will the...
  3. E

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Hi All, I would like to share my appreciation and thanks for this amazing community. History and tradition are so important, and quite simply enriches the whole process. Frenchy, many thanks for your rich, deep knowledge. It is so fascinating how one's attitude and philosophy in life...