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  1. N

    Help My plant is dying and I dont Know why!

    I have had my plant in veg for 2.5 months in a 5 gallon dwc. im using gh floroduo, calmag and hygrozyme. i started noticing problems about a week or so ago with some random brown spots like the one in pic 1. next the plant started to droop and now all new growth is coming in deformed/clawed and...
  2. N

    My Ladies Need Help!!! Some Crazy Stuff Happening!!!

    Im having a few different issues with my plants. I am growing (or trying to grow) 2 critical kush plants , a pineapple express and a dinachem. My first concern is that two of my plants are growing twice as tall as the other two. I understand different strains grow differently but of my 2...
  3. N

    When is the right time to start adding fertilizer

    im planning on using soil. what i was wondering is what signals you to start using fertilizer is there a difference in growth or something like that to signal the need for nutrients?
  4. N

    When is the right time to start adding fertilizer

    I am attempting my first grow and looking for advice as to when i should start adding fertilizer. Im growing two plants each of pineapple express and critical kush from seeds. they just sprouted only about 2 inches high each. i know i should wait but when will i know its the right time?
  5. N

    the attitude is a scam

    I placed my order and got my seeds from attitude in 8 days! just started to germinate them so ill keep you updated but the seeds looked healthy and i am happy!!!