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    40 watt fluoros w/ humidifier and flickering

    oh yah and no offense mr kash or w.e but go fuck yourself, how about that. do you feel justified now?
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    40 watt fluoros w/ humidifier and flickering

    :Two twenty-watt flouros is barely good enough for two plants. I would recommend getting a surge protector and adding a shitload more lights. MOAR LITES YO " No offense to this ,you, or anyone else, but how exactly is your post going to help me seeing as how I already quoted how my problem...
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    40 watt fluoros w/ humidifier and flickering

    Well please read the thread before you post in it as well, mr. fast typer.
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    40 watt fluoros w/ humidifier and flickering

    they havent sprouted yet, will add more later. I have just figured the problem out actually I think. I just ran an extension from one room to the other and bingo bango no more flicker. oh yes and thanks for not trying to answer my question (Y)
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    40 watt fluoros w/ humidifier and flickering

    Hey sup everybody. I am currently setting up my room. Got 16 diesel ryder under 2 20 watt fluoros in my room. temps are fine, but humidity was too low. added the humidifier. It turns out that everytime I turn it on the lights begin to flicker. judging by the very few things on the circuit I have...
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    Electrical Ques. If I can help someone I will...

    Hey I'm looking for some advice. Im in Canada. Im looking to run 2 1000w hps, 1 600w MH, and various vent fans and such in a friend's 2 bedrooms apartment. How do I know if i can safely plug all that in. I know not to put more than one 1000watter on a regular circuit, I was planning on just...